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Comment Historical comment; (Score 0) 542

I'm sure Muhahahahamed and Allahlalala would not want their "Sheeple" to have high speed internet or 3G. Good!, so let the infidels have it so we can bury you in the trash heap of history! By the way, why do they call their god Allah? Is it because God already had the name and Satan had to look elsewhere?

Comment Finally! (Score 0) 752

Mr. Putin's little games are finally going to come back and bite him in the ass! His game of sending in hi-tech weaponry to a bunch of clowns has cost the lives of 295 innocent people. If the European governments don't back much more stringent sanctions on Russia after this, then they don't deserve all the U.S. money spent on NATO. I say, "It's time to send in the Wild Weasels!!!"

Comment Re:Not surprising. (Score 0) 725

Gaia (the Earth) is perfectly capable of taking care of herself. The human infestation on her surface is nothing more than an itch on her ass. We will be dealt with whither we like it or not, and Gaia will go her merry way!!!

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