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Comment Re:fees (Score 5, Insightful) 391

Sure, I'd agree IF the telco's hadn't taken BILLIONS of tax-payer money to do "upgrades". Instead they took that money and gave it to their lobbyists to fight against having to use that money for that. If they didn't want the FCC in their business, they shouldn't have accepted taxpayer money and then commit fraud with it.

Comment Re:fees (Score 3, Informative) 391

I'm in Tulsa, OK. I live in a gated apartment building, and we only have access to AT&T. There is no coax in the entire complex, the management refuses to acknowledge this is illegal...even though I took them a print-out of the FCC's ruling from 2007 against these exclusivity contracts. I even offered to run cable from the front office back to my building for free if they would just get a run to the front office...they just look at me blankly like I'm talking in a foreign language. Even more ironic is right across the street is our state's first "local CLEC" that has fiber AND my apartment complex is spending millions on various cosmetic upgrades,..we're moving soon, and this is the major reason. DSL barely has enough up to support my job; with my work responsibilities increasing soon it won't be enough to have a max of 180k up. I've already had to turn down a couple of high-prestige projects for some remote stuff because of this.

I'm paying $85 a month to get a "business class" DSL, just so I can get around the "bandwidth caps" AT&T has imposed on it's consumer accounts. If I hadn't, my bill would average $400-$800 a month just from usage. Some might say this is my apartment's fault; but I have been told b y management here that just recently several AT&T drones have come in and flat-out lied to to them about "future upgrades" that don't even exist to get better speeds.

Comment Re:In other words (Score 1) 133

That footage is amazing, and it's retarded for people to fault Nolan for choosing not to use something that looks so...normal? lol. I think they should put the original footage of the "real" transit on the DVD extras, so everyone can see it without a net connection. I was confused though because the footage made it seem that Gargantuan was located many galaxies away...what's wrong with Sagittarius A? How would the "future humans" make it billions (possible trillions) of light-years away in the first place? Perhaps the movie's idea was the energy costs for a wormhole is mostly in opening the ends, and the actual distance between is negligible? I suppose these would be questions for Thorne lol.

Comment Re:Awesome site! (Score 1) 30

Dear God I feel sorry for them. It's my work email, so it's just full of incident reports, Inspiration Emails from Meg Whitman and fellow execs, all the CRAP the former employee who had my email eddy signed up for (some HR drone, a dozen HR stuff about new government regs and crap per week), and...that's it. I'd love for my email to be added into the "haystack" they sift through - maybe it would help obfuscate some other data haha

Comment maybe it's really a good thing (Score 1) 148

since the "standard Samsung apps" are horrible or non-existent. The G5 doesn't have a "standard document app", nor does it have a "standard" cloud app. It's all carrier-specific. Google drive doesn't count it's still an app you have to install usually. Here's a list of g5 pre-loaded software. They all have Polaris Office pre-loaded, other than this there is no cross-handset standard apps. What I really wish Samsung would do is remove Knox and it's anti-root stuff. Putting extra steps in my rooting is annoying lol.

Comment Re:Not really. (Score 4, Informative) 237

There is one potential candidate pointed right at us. Don't feel too bad, even the Bad Astronomy guy said "I might have been wrong" when he found out about WR 104. "Data show that the orientation of the spin-axis of the system, with respect to our vantage point from Earth, is almost exactly aligned. As nearly as we can tell, we are looking directly down upon the polar direction of the spinning binary stars. " It's about 8,000 light years away; it could have already blown and we're just waiting for our planetary extinction GRB wave front to hit us.

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