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Comment Re:Distaste of C++ (Score 1) 476

The one thing that trips me up with python is the link to C++. Cython seems a bit hakish, ctypes requires plain C. Plus, I'd like to be able to move algortihms from high level to low-level once profiling indicates that it's a performance critical part. That's easier if both high- and low-level are the same language. Keeping everything in one language is simple. Once a build-system is set-up, re-compiling+running a C++ program takes about as much time as starting a python script. Both C++ and python applications can be fast or slow to startup, determined by how many dll's/dependencies are loaded. So for a quick test, I'd prefer python, for anything serious I use C++.

Comment Re:Distaste of C++ (Score 4, Interesting) 476

On the other hand, it's the only mainstream language I know that supports both very low-level and very high-level programming style. This can be a real plus for compute intense signal processing, were a small minority of the code really requires low-level implementations. Being able to mix that with high-level abstractions (e.g. linear algebra factorizations) can give both efficient and maintanable code.

Comment Re:Anyone actually does this? (Score 1) 348

It used to be that stress-testing HD's with random disk access for one day could flush out a lot of bad ones. The ones that did survive tended to last many years. It's a tricky thing with RAID drives. If you happen to have bought a 'bad' batch, chances that more than one will fail before you replace one are pretty high. So testing makes sense sometime. A while ago, google published some research to show that drives do not fail randomly, but in clusters. Making RAID a bit more susceptible to data loss than one might expect.

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