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Comment Re:More useless statistics... (Score 2) 221

I live in Quebec. On Tuesday, I went to see The Lion King (the broadway show, not the movie). The show was in English, but at one time, after a long monologue from Rafiki in an African language (which was not translated), the actress turn to the audience and asked : vous avez compris?

Not only people laughed (because obviously no one understood), but they cheered for this very simple use of the French language.

We do have some fanatics who are on a holy war for the language, but most of the time the problem comes from English speaking people who act like they are a master race. They act like everyone in the whole world should adapt to them.

Because of your opinion of French speaking Canadians, my guess is you never cared to learn a few word in French. I don't know, something like : je suis désolé, je ne parle pas français, parlez-vous anglais? If you did, if you were ever polite and respectful, you would have realized that most people in Quebec would have greeted you with a big smile and would even have shown you gratitude for taking 5 minutes to learn those few words.

I'm a Quebecer, so you may despise me all you want, but it certainly seems to me that your opinion of Quebecers is only because you're just another fucking asshole.

Comment Re:No Steering Wheel In Time (Score 1) 506

I think you are the one doing the hyperbole. Being "unsafe" doesn't mean a guaranty to crash. For example, leaving your front door unlocked while your not home is certainly "unsafe", but that doesn't mean 100% of people who forget to lock their door will immediately be robbed.

I have about 27 years of driving experience and my only accident was a drunk driver who rear-end the car behind me who, in turn, rear-end me while we were both stopped at a red light. I also never had a ticket for speeding or any other traffic law violation (except parking tickets). Yet, I know I'm not "safe". How about you?

Human drivers have proven to be unsafe, there's no doubt about it. Why do you think we are all required to have auto insurance?

Comment Re:Well at least they saved the children! (Score 1) 790

Bringing a single case where a particular brain tumor has caused "uncontrollable pedophilia" to justify the idea that pedophilia in general is just a disease is plain dumb. I also agree some laws are ridiculous, but that's a strawman. Don't use fallacies. It only makes you look like a fool.

Sex drive is one thing, but sex drive is not a justification to rape another person or a child. We all have this thing called empathy which makes us understand the idea that harming someone else is wrong, no matter what our basic instinct push us to to. If the sex drive of someone is so powerful that it makes this person lose his mind, then maybe the solution is to make sure he doesn't have any sex drive anymore. In those cases, castration or a lobotomy is an acceptable solution for me.

Comment Re:Well at least they saved the children! (Score 1) 790

I don't want pedophiles who rape children or other serious criminals to go in jail for revenge, but simply because they have proven by their actions they are not fit to have a place in society. Also, I find the idea of rehabilitation morally wrong. We live in a world with a limited amount of resources. So each resources we offer to criminals are resources we don't offer to other people. Why a criminal should receive hundred of thousand of dollars in "help" while other people who, in my mind are much more worthy, don't have access to a basic quality life? Why reward criminals?

Don't get me wrong, I know an environment can create a criminal, so I agree some criminals deserves to be helped, but the majority are not a product of their environment, they are just who they are. Thinking they just need "help" is wishful thinking from someone who can't accept reality.

You choose to believe pedophiles suffers from a mental illness. Why? What is your real reason for that. You don't have any kind of scientific basis to proclaim that. So why believe that? Do you know your head enough to know the answer?

Comment Re:Well at least they saved the children! (Score 0) 790

Saying a child molester needs help is far worse than saying he needs to be put out of society. You are basically saying we must manipulate and change people who do not conform to our ways against their will. You don't want kill or imprison Orwell's Winston, you want to destroy his personality so he becomes a "good" citizen of Oceania. You don't want to imprison Burgess's Alex, you want to "cure" him of his violent tendencies so he can become useful to society.

You think anyone who does not conform to your morale standard is "sick" and needs help? You're arrogant, egocentric and intrinsically extremely manipulative. You condescendingly show "sympathy", but you have absolutely no respect. You say child molesters suffer from a mental illness? Strange, isn't what some people are saying about gays?

You are right, we never choose who we are. We never choose to be a successful entrepreneur or a lazy bum. We never choose to be gay or straight. We never choose to be the epitome of society's morale values or a psychopath who just doesn't give a shit about anyone else. All the choice we think we make are only the result of who we are, no matter how we became who we are.

If someone realize one day he has a tendency to something he doesn't like and wants help, fine, let's do whatever we can to help him (before he commits crimes). Making that choice to be helped is who he is. But if he didn't want to be helped, you can at the very least respect his choice and let him be who he is (in jail).

Comment Re:Heck, we probably already fund them (Score 3, Interesting) 125

All around the world, there are manifestations against Israel. I live in Quebec (Canada) and if I look at the what people post related to what's happening in Israel on our main newspapers' websites (mainly La Presse and Le Devoir...), I'd say a clear majority of native Quebecers (not Muslims) now have an anti-Israel sentiment. I guess the rest of Canada is a bit less anti-Israel, but I'd still say the general opinion is not pro-Israel. If the death toll were higher, the anti-Israel sentiment would probably become an anti-Jew sentiment, which would disrupt our society enough to force Harper to stop his blind support to Israel.

Israel have the military means to kill a lot of Palestinians, but if it did so, it would end up isolated. And without the rest of the world's support, Israel simply can't survive. So I guess the goal of Israel is simply to strike fear among Palestinians. And for that, all Palestinians must think there's no place safe.

Were the attacks on refugee centers voluntary? Did they deliberately targeted a few civilian to send a message? I'm guessing the answer is yes.

Comment Re:Why are Zorro cards worth anything at all? (Score 1) 192

Nice try, and I'm sure you can impress a few kids who never experienced the Amiga era, but to me you only look like a fool. You know what was really cool at the time? Not a lame Macinstosh emulator board, but having four transputer boards.

Anyway, you just don't get it. Playing Speedball 1 with a joypad in an emulator is completely different than playing the same Speedball 1 with a Speedking on a real machine. Editing a program on a PC keyboard and having it run in an emulator is completely different than editing the same program with an A1000 keyboard and having it run in on a real machine.

It's a bit like the difference between seeing a picture of the Mona Lisa in a book and going to the Louvre to see the real painting.

Comment Re:Why are Zorro cards worth anything at all? (Score 1) 192

Playing with old games using "vintage" joysticks? Seeing old programs we created in assembly run on a real hardware? Playing with old pieces of hardware toys that we created and which were using one of the amiga port? Basically, reliving old memories?

I can certainly understand why someone would want an old Amiga or an old Atari ST. I can even understand why someone would want an old Macintosh. But a Macintosh emulator in an Amiga? No, I can't see any reasons.

Since you're the one telling people they really want that Mac emulation board, can I ask you again why?

Comment Re:The Internet is meant to be anonymous (Score 0) 238

With "say controversial things" you mean trolling?

Don't you think life would be better for you if you could assume who you are and what you think instead of having to hide and having to be a hypocrite? Yes, you will lose some superficial friends, a tyrannic employer might even fire you, but not having to live a lie, not feeling shame or fear for what we think, does feel good. Anyway, don't you think you should find friends or an employer who can appreciate you for who you are and what you have to offer instead of trying to please intolerant people who don't really give a shit about you and are only searching for yes-men?

You can also look at it the other way. Do you like it when people lie to you in order to obtain some kind of friendship from you?

There are reasons which could justify anonymity. But my guess is you never posted anything which could justify it.

Comment Re:The Internet is meant to be anonymous (Score 3, Interesting) 238

Restore the glory of the Internet? You mean to go back to a time when most people posted on Usenet with their real name and email address as their signature? The time when even political discussions were civilized?

From my point of view, anonymity was the worst thing that happened to the Internet.

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