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Comment Re:Space Drive or Global Warming? (Score 1) 315

Yes. Then inflation theory happened.

Seriously, there's almost nothing in science that is steadfast and "settled". Science is all about trying to find new ways to explain the universe. Every 15-25 years you basically have to throw away your old science books and understand how older models have been modified and updated.

Comment Re:don't drive with nobody in it? (Score 1) 435

Brilliant idea. I guess driverless cars that drop people off at the front of the building then park themselves are out of the question. Driverless taxis are out of the question.
Driverless cars that can drive themselves to the maintenance shop are out of the question.

Actually it's not a brilliant idea. It's plain stupid.

Comment Re:105 megabits per second (Score 4, Insightful) 401

I had a 150Mbit connection and i found uses for it all. Having that much extra headroom is very useful.
Just because you can't find a way or can even fathom why someone would want that speed doesn't mean there aren't good uses for it.
I really don't understand the need to say no one needs more than 640k of memory. It plainly makes you look dull.

Comment Re:Not about consumption, but about sales (Score 1) 532

It's not about health.
The big problem with all of this nonsense is that according to the law/rule/whatever certain companies were immune from complying.

For instance, the local mom and pop store could not sell a 44 ounce soft drink, however the local 7-11 (convenience store) could sell it without any problems.

Talk about corruption right from the start.

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