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Comment Re:Why are medallions sold and not leased? (Score 1) 329

This works with broadcast station licenses also. These days no one can get themselves a radio transmitter and associated equipment, apply to the FCC for a broadcasting license and get on the air. All possible licenses in a given area have already been given out by the FCC decades ago. This means that anyone who wants to become a broadcaster, must buy a license from some previously existing broadcaster who has bought their license from another broadcaster.

Comment Where is the seat of consciousness? (Score 2) 114

A very fundamental question that no one has answered yet and few people even ask is this: does the brain produce consciousness/mind/spirit or is it the other way around? It is a known experimental fact that in quantum physics a conscious observer changes the outcome of the experiment. Why is this?

There is no way to find out the function of the software in a computer, no matter how minutely the hardware thereof is examined, unless the complete computer is functioning correctly. Software is a product of the mind and is not physical even though it requires physical hardware to execute the software.

All ARRANGEMENT of matter is ultimately the result of the activity of mind, regardless of whether this arrangement is caused by humans or what is commonly referred to as “nature”. The question then can be rephrased as, “does matter-energy create/manipulate mind/consciousness or does mind/consciousness manipulate matter-energy”.

Comment Re:iOS Users (Score 1) 98

Users who steal software deserve to get their devices infected with every piece of malware in existence. A lot of software in the Apple Store is free and most of the rest of it is rather inexpensive. I don’t sympathize even a tiny little bit with anyone who tries desperately hard to get something for nothing and then gets royally ripped off. Anyone who goes to certain sections of a large city has a good chance of getting mugged. Anyone who goes to certain places on the Internet stands a good chance of getting their devices infected and possibly their bank account emptied. Anyone, whether they use OS X or iOS are in fact TOTALLY IMMUNE if they don’t go places on the Internet where they shouldn’t be in the first place. That goes for Windows users (mostly) also these days.

Submission + - A nasty Trojan/virus from China for Apple devices ( 1

grantspassalan writes: Just when you thought only Windows received the bulk of horrifying viruses and crapware, here comes WireLurker, a new family of malware, not even just a single one, that targets both Apple's desktop and mobile platforms for maximum reach. Palo Alto Networks, the cybersecurity company that discovered and reported this situation calls this an "unprecedented" type of malware, at least as far as iOS and OS X are concerned, hinting at the developing, or rather worsening, situation when it comes to malware and hackers' abilities to infiltrate our computers.

Of course, OS X and iOS have never been completely immune to malware, especially the recent bout of ransomware that have encrypted computers without authorization. But according to Palo Alto Network's research, this new family could probably be one of the worst to hit Apple's platforms because of four reasons.

Comment Re:Follow the money (Score 1) 695

If you think CO2 is harmful to humans and is a pollutant you better stop breathing. You might need to stop far***g also and persuade millions of cows and other livestock to do the same, because that is methane and is an even worse greenhouse gas. I do think however that other forms of pollution, such as too many poisons such as pesticides and nasty food additives that kill people prematurely should be eliminated. The medical/pharmaceutical complex kills close to three-quarter million people in the US alone every year. War and hatred kill millions more. Perhaps something should be done about that first before worrying about possible future warming of the Earth. //“How many will die is hard to say.”//

Why is that so hard to say? That is easy, everybody will die. Despite all modern technological advances, the death rate is still what it has always been, namely 100%.

Comment Follow the money (Score 1, Interesting) 695

Someone should do a research project and determine exactly who will benefit from the draconian measures needed to reduce or even eliminate fossil fuel use. Who will profit by the tremendous rise in cost thereof artificially imposed by governments. If this were carefully researched it could qualify for someone’s PhD thesis. Would Al Gore and his allies win or lose if this were imposed upon people, especially in Western industrialized countries.

Comment Re:Evidence is not about belief. (Score 1) 1007

When a so-called “ballistics expert” gives evidence that a certain bullet was fired from a certain gun and some other so-called expert gives evidence that the bullet came from some other gun, the jury has to decide whose evidence to BELIEVE. The evidence itself is not belief, but it must be believed by people or not. Evolutionists give evidence for evolution and creationists give evidence for creation. People should be allowed to listen to the evidence presented by both sides and then decide whom to believe.

Comment Re:Completely appropriate venue (Score 1) 1007

All evidence must be BELIEVED. Don’t you think they should be allowed to present their evidence, if they have any, and then you and others can be the jury as to whether to believe or disbelieve and render a verdict? That is how we do it in courts of law.

So therefore if this were a legal case, you would find “them” guilty without even a trial? Do you even know who “they” are? Even the vilest criminals are allowed to present their case even though of course they really don’t have a case. Creationists are not criminals but merely have a different idea about origins.

Comment Re:Creationist / Evolutionists telling same story (Score 2) 1007

Everything that humans do begins in their mind. Why should that be any different with God? In the Genesis account we read over and over again, “God said”. Speaking is a form of communication from a mind. There is evidence that the human mind can communicate with matter at the quantum level. Why is it not conceivable that an infinitely greater and more powerful mind, the mind of God, could directly create and then influence/control matter by simply sending forth a communication from His mind? Just because we don’t have the foggiest idea how that might work does not automatically make it impossible. There is a lot about reality, especially quantum physics that we don’t know. Richard Feynman, one of the most prominent and famous physicist of our time said this in: The Character of Physical Law (1965), “I think I can safely say that nobody understands quantum mechanics.”

Comment Re:No mention on capacity though (Score 5, Informative) 395

Even if it did have enough capacity, it would take a 2 MW power supply to charge a 100 kW battery in five minutes, assuming there were no losses. A “gas station” that could “fill” five electric cars simultaneously would have to have a 10 MW grid connection. I don’t see that happening anytime soon.

Comment Re:presumably so... (Score 1) 383

There is nothing you could have that the government can’t get, if they really wanted. They don’t need the password to your bank account because they can order the bank to freeze your account or even confiscate your money. If they come to your house, they can take anything they want. If you have a deep dark secret only stored in your brain they are after, they can throw you in prison and/or torture you.

Comment Re:All good until someone simulates biometrics... (Score 1) 383

All security, long before computers came along has always been based on either something you know, such as a password, or something you have, such as a key. That is not likely to change. Biometric security is based on something you have. In most instances is impossible to change if such security is somehow compromised. If the stakes are high enough, the rubber hose decryption method or its equivalents will work for either one.

Comment Re:Dark? (Score 0) 119

“What if we've missed something?”

The electric force is 10^36 times greater than gravity. Most humans, including physicists cannot really visualize a number with 36 zeros behind it. Because charges can either attract or repel, the electric forces in the universe ALMOST but not quite in some instances cancel each other. It is the ignoring of this tiny imbalance which is not being accounted for in the motion of the galaxies that causes astrophysicists to suggest the existence of dark matter, dark energy and black holes. None of these strictly mathematical constructs have ever been discovered to actually exist.

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