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Comment Re:Right .... (Score 1) 523

If it was nuclear powered, then it would have been much heavier

The Curiosity RTG weighed 3 times as much as the power source on Philae, but generated four times as much energy. IANANP, but absent some scaling factor that I'm missing, it would seem like a scaled-down RTG would have *saved* weight, not costed more.

Comment Re:Boy toy (Score 1) 786

There are cognitive differences between any two men you might select too. To what grouping will you attribute those?

This is intellectually dishonest. A gender-based deviation in cognition exists, regardless of individual deviations that also do exist. You're not rebutting his argument, you're confusing the issue with an irrelevancy that attempts to pass as a rebuttal.

There are also many cognitive tasks where the range of difference within a gender is greater than the range of difference between genders.

Your use of "many" here betrays an understanding that you wish to deny: that some other cognitive tasks display the opposite results, which consitutes evidence in support of the claim you wish to rebut.

Comment Re:benefits vs risks (Score 1) 863

Binary logfiles: You're not supposed to keep important log files on the local machine.

Seriously? What? This is the most dishonest response to a legitimate gripe ever. You're not "supposed to" "KEEP" important log files on the local machine - because they're important data and should be backed up and secured. NOT because text log files are a bad idea or useless! Name one operating system that doesn't keep local human-readable logs! They are *that* useful!

Send them to your central logging facility

Why is a fucking init daemon dictating my business processes to me? Is that the UNIX philosophy... "one size fits all"? Fuck no it's not!

If the machine is still running, you can use the appropriate tools to look at the binary log files for debug.

Assuming that those tools work, and that corruption hasn't fucked up parsing, and...

Doesn't feel unixy: Get with the times. It's scriptable and tweakable more than ever.

I don't think you understand what the UNIX philosophy is about, so you're not evaluating this complaint in a legitimate way.

Dependency in services
long startup times
Location/circumstances specific profiles

All of these are feature gaps. None of these require a solution that completely departs from the UNIX philosophy and application structure. None require binary logging. None require one daemon to rule them all. There are simple, elegant, UNIX-y solutions to all of these problems. Lennart & company just haven't bothered to find them.

Comment Re:How about we hackers? (Score 1) 863

Career admin who is guilty of not wading into the debate at all until now, here. That is my view of systemd. It uses, and forces the user into, a "one service to rule them all" model that is exactly contrary to the UNIX philosophy of small, interoperable programs that do one thing and do it well. If 'ls' was designed with the systemd philosophy, 'chmod' and 'rm' would be arguments to 'ls' and everything would quickly become stupid and un-UNIXy.

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