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Comment Re:Epic Fail! (it's really an urban legend) (Score 1) 68

If you're looking for terrorists, it much worse than what you say.

How many terrorists are there really?
For arguments sake I'm going to say 10,000 in USA, with 320M population.
To get the number of false positives on the general population down to the number of real terrorists, so only 50% of the people you stop are innocent, you need a 99.996875% accurate test.

With 98.52 as claimed by this test, you'd have 4.7M false positives and 148 terrorists get false negatives.

Comment Re:Easy to set up patsies. (Score 1) 68

Except I doubt 98% accuracy is admissible in court.

Say there are 320,000,000 people in a country, like USA.
If 5% of those people are criminals, that's 16,000,000 criminals.

With 98% accuracy against the 304,000,000 innocent civilians, that's 6,080,000 false positives, nearly half of the number of real criminals. That's only 62% change of successfully identifying a real criminal, despite a "98% accurate" test.

Comment Re:Well. (Score 1) 195

Sapphire has a niche in high end LED flashlights, but if they are well engineered the sapphire is seated around the edge in elastomer and also recessed so no normal force is likely to ever be applied, which would act to bend it.

That's the problem with using it for cellphone screens, every mm counts. It needs to be thin, flat and large. It also needs to look good. When was the last time you saw an Apple product with a recessed screen?

Comment Re:Hardware backdoors in the actual CPUs ? (Score 1) 236

I do understand JTAG.
It would be trivial to set a flipflop to switch the compromised random bit stream to the real implementation when ever a command is send through the JTAG port and reset it on power-up.

Its flattering you think I'm a psyop operative. Truth is I'm just bored at work and you respond like a zealot. It's amusing.

Comment Re:Well. (Score 2) 195

Looks like scratch resistence != shatter resistence.

Secondly, it means overcoming a surprising problem: despite its hardness, synthetic sapphire can be prone to fracturing, at almost any point in this finishing process, due to impurities or to the presence of unresolved strains in the crystalline structure.

“That’s something that’s being very carefully measured and tested,” says Stone-Sunderberg. “Fracturing is probably of the highest concern. If a product is released with a more expensive touch screen [cover] and consumers experience fracturing, they’re going to be highly disappointed. It would be devastating to the sapphire industry.”

Also, the tensile strength of regular glass (which varies considerably however) can match that of synthetic sapphire. Sapphire has very good compression stength though.
This is the reason for steel reinforced concrete. You can't easily compress concrete but you can pull it apart pretty easily. If you add steel with its good tensile strength, you get a strong material that excels in both areas.

Apple will need to do something with the sapphire or it will shatter with the slighest bend. Watch faces don't have this problem because they're relitively thick. You can't piss away millimetres in thickness and weight when it comes to the next gen smart phone.

Comment Re:Hardware backdoors in the actual CPUs ? (Score 1) 236

which is... not trusting the implementation, not the architecture.
The complete opposite of what you said.

What information is available on a test port has nothing to do with the architecture.
Even if it was accessible via JTAG, what would stop them switching the random source when the JTAG port isn't in use?

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