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Comment Re:In the UK I think we would be better (Score 1) 310

Your right that my comment was slightly confusing since the "CET option" is actually "Single/Double Summer Time" but you're wrong if you think it wont mean 10 am sunrises. You're using London latitudes. From the Lighter Later site: "At Christmas in Edinburgh, for example, the sun is only in the sky between 8.44am and 3.42pm." So if we add an hour to 8.44 we get ... 9.44. And go further north? Then we get to 10. From Wikipedia: " it would mean that, in northern Britain and Northern Ireland, the winter sunrise would not occur until 10:00 or even later".

Comment Confusion (Score 1) 462

It's hard to imagine a subject on which there are more ill-informed opinions amongst supposedly intelligent people than Daylight Savings Time. Just read the arguments for and against here for confirmation. In the summer months sunrise is earlier and sunset is later so there is more light at both ends of the day. Daylight Savings [in its "Spring Forward/Fall Back" form] artificially shifts an hour of light from the morning to the evening. Whether this is a good idea or not is pretty much down to lifestyle choices. There's no underlying logic to it. Most people (including myself) wake up earlier in the summer. DST essentially removes the option for us to use those extra hours of daylight constructively by pretending it's an hour later than it is so we have to go to work instead.

Comment Re:Kids going to school in the dark (Score 1) 462

Have you been on the Bucky? BST means there's an hour less daylight in the mornings and an hour more in the evenings for the summer months. You have the benefits completely back to front. Perhaps you're thinking BST is the norm and putting the clocks back is the benefit. If you want more light in the mornings then you should be shifting to GMT-1 in the winter and shifting to GMT+1 in the summer. Although this would make sense the two hour shift would not be popular.

Comment Re:Abolish the licence fee (Score 1) 171

The BBC's funding mechanism is so utterly indefensible that it almost renders any discussion of quality moot. A tax on hardware which goes exclusively to one content provider??? This is just ridiculous. Of course it manages to produce the occasional high quality programme but overall the standard is mediocre and falling. Also senior management are drawn from a very small soi-disant intellectual liberal elite.

Comment Decouple this from gaming (Score 1) 145

Games? What do games have to do with it? How can these idiots be so muddled in their thinking? If disasters create a need for this sort of labour then build a platform and let people who want to help download a a client and get assigned some chunk to work on. The server aggregates results and assigns the chunks. Spread the word via social media when there's an urgent need. Job done. I don't play computer games at all these days but I'd be happy to tag images for an hour if it would help responders to a disaster. This utterly mistaken idea that this concept needs to be coupled with gaming can only have come from a sort of 'cargo cult' view on computing. Oh, look at all these geeks playing computer games all day, we need to harvest them for our tasks, so lets embed them in the games...

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