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Comment Re: Send in the drones! (Score 1) 848

The trouble is this: We DID let Crimea go... we did nothing. Then Russia provided SAMs and the rebels shot down a civilian airliner...and we did nothing. How long do we sit this one out?

Europe cannot risk the kind of continued unchecked aggression that Russia can dish out, not if they ever hope to avoid the financial ruin that follows Communism around like a hungry dingo. This is not a movie. Stand up to Russia.

Comment Re:Boring (Score 1) 251

Agreed... I've read MUCH better accounts of "Scamming the scammer"... one included a call to netstat to determine the remote guy's IP address, and ended in the scammer nearly crying. If the OP wasn't AC, I'd use my mod points to randomly hunt and downmod any comments I could find from the OP.


Comment Re:Because (Score 3, Insightful) 130

The trouble here... and the reason I don't use facebook... is that just because I like coke, doesn't mean I "Like" coke. If I want to express my affinity for a product, that doesn't mean I want to be constantly marketed to by that company. Likewise, the sleazy practice of making someone like your product before you can see some kind of content (say a video for example) that has gone viral... but until you watch the video, you aren't sure whether you "Like" (or even like) the product/company... pisses me off.

Facebook operates under the pretense that it's a good way for you to keep in touch with your friends... but their quarterly financial statements argue for the fact that it is a good way for companies to market to individuals under the pretense of them keeping up with their friends.

Your description of the myriad ways in which your feed is broken and fails to satisfy you is a proxy for the myriad ways in which Facebook is making money off you.

Comment Re:Well at least they saved the children! (Score 1) 790

The problem I take issue with here is the idea that a billion pictures a day probably flow across the Gmail system. SO in order to be able to report this, Google must have either
a) developed an algorithm to spot exploited children (meaning that Google itself must have a pretty huge collection of images for developers to build a ML algorithm against...
b) they are paying people to thumb through all the images in transit
c) the government has provided Google with a list of convicted felons to watch... thus reducing the search space of option b

No matter how you slice it... it sets a bad precedent of varying degree. How do you achieve this without getting your hands dirty? That's what worries me.

Comment Re:Six identifiable bullet points (Score 1) 180

I've used PHP for 12+ years. I have always hated how often I have to refer to reference materials because I can't remember the way a function is spelled, order of parameters, etc. I've never been able to put my finger on it exactly, but PHP has always just bothered me with it's inconsistencies. Reading the fractal post has opened my eyes! I've experienced no less than half of the issues listed, some of which I never was able to resolve why (just ended up coding around the issue). Mostly I've gotten used to using frameworks like Zend and Propel to abstract away a lot of these issues, but that's not a fix, and it's likely to introduce additional security issues.

I've tinkered around with C# for a while now, and just this last year I've gotten serious about learning it for work. The lesson I learned from reading the fractal post is this: PHP has F*cked me up and made me a horrible coder, and has ruined me from learning C# properly. I have to unlearn all the bad habits I picked up in PHP before I can effectively code in any other language.


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