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Comment Big stars, bigger explosions.... (Score 1) 1029

Before I go to a movie, I read the reviews (user reviews, not the junket critics), and if they describe the movie as having "big stars, bigger explosions, and top-notch special effects", then I don't bother. That basically means they didn't put any time into the story.

Special effects haven't meant anything to me since CGI came into widespread use. Give me a halfway decent story, and I'll start going to the movies again.

Comment Re:Oh, look! Just what the economy needs! (Score 1) 600

When last I contracted (2008-09), and had to pay for my own insurance, I paid $180/month. Pretty sure that price has at least doubled, since the ironically named ACA passed, but even then it's just over $4000 a year. If what you're saying is true, and companies are wasting that much, then it's no wonder the (real) economy hasn't been able to recover.

Comment Authority-Phobic? Really? (Score 2) 149

I've found it shocking how well younger folk fit into corporate life and have always felt like this is the least rebellious generation ever.

Typically, whenever management makes some absurd proposal (like some kind of odd way to track metrics), people sigh, roll their eyes, and figure out some way to comply with the letter of the mandate, while saving as much time as possible to focus on actually getting the product out the door.

My younger co-workers not only show no signs of resistance (even behind closed doors), they embrace the absurdity and offer up more of it. They end up complicating the process, even more than the middle manager wanted (since they were also just going for the checkmark). Hell, I've never even seen anyone under the age of 30 (these days) drink a beer at a social outing (even when their managers and everyone else is). Youngin's seem so domesticated these days.

Judging by all these articles, I guess my experience isn't quite the norm.

Comment Agile isn't what I hoped it would be. (Score 3, Interesting) 597

I've done agile for the past few years and always waterfall before that. Was looking forward to agile because it sounded more flexible, but that's not what I've observed in practice. Everybody is so touchy about finishing up all of the sprint tasks by the end of the two week period, that there is a strong disincentive to bring anything new in, when you're finished up. No one wants to skew the metrics.

Between the aribtrary development cycle and the constant meetings, I find it far less productive than waterfall. Especially since so much waterfall is implemented in an interative fashion anyway.

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