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Comment Re:Let's say someone wanted a 10-in android tablet (Score 1) 112

Yeah, when I discovered this, and the fact that Lineage isn't even supported on any of the Samsung tablets available for sale, I finally gave up and switched over to Apple.

I never thought I would do that because I prefer having more control, but Google has no follow through on anything they release. If you like an app or feature, it probably won't be around in a couple of years. And trying to keep an Android tablet updated is a nightmare. I've pretty much given up on Google for anything but search, and even that's not as good as it once was.

Comment Notification System Drove Me Away (Score 1) 98

For some time now, FB may or may not notify me, if somebody posts on my wall, mentions or messages me, but they will notify me every single time any of my friends does something on their own wall. This spam of stuff I don't care about, combined with failing to notify me about the stuff I do, is why I hardly ever visit FB anymore.

Comment Re:SO... if we're going to pretend (Score 4, Interesting) 705

You're under that impression, because of the people in this country stirring the shit, attempting to keep the left and the right distracted and at each other's throats, while they continue to loot what's left of America.

Just about every war we've ever gotten into has started over a lie. You'd figure people would have learned by now. Yet all you have to say is that country X is looking at us the wrong way to get everyone back into the fighting mood again. Pro-gun Russian bots.....give me a break!

Comment Enough Already! (Score 1) 126

I wish Youtube would go back to being normal old youtube and stop trying to be the morality police. I don't know of a single category of youtuber who hasn't been complaining about the censorship and demonetization going on over there. It's not just a political thing, it's gamers and travel vloggers too. They've all been impacted.

Everyone gets that we're watching subjective opinions on youtube. Here's a hint, there is no authoritative unbiased source of information on anything. Everyone should be skeptical of everything. You don't need warnings for that. As for the advertisers, tell them to take a walk, if they don't want to advertise on the most popular streaming site on the net. It's not worth attempting to cater to them. Without content and viewers, the ad revenue dries up anyway.

But the worst is the newer algorithms that have driven everyone to putting out watered-down daily content, over the more polished stuff, that would actually be worth sharing from time to time. It's become such a grind over there to make anything at all. The established youtubers get bigger and bigger, while I get less exposure to anything new or innovative. It's not as fun anymore. Feels more like cable TV.

Comment You Need a Monorail to Get to the Monorail (Score 1) 294

By the time you walk to the station, you might as well have just walked to your destination, they're so far back. And it's expensive on top of it. At least the one on the east side. It's a complete waste.

There's a free monorail on the West side of the strip, but it only travels between a few hotels (Monte Carlo to the Bellagio). That's the only one that makes sense to use.

They need just one monorail, going down the center of the strip, with "bridge" stops that let you get off on either side. Hell, I'd even buy a travel pass for that. I'd ride it just for the scenery.

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