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Comment Re:Christianity has changed its moral grounds befo (Score 1) 21

The gospels were written between 30 and 100 years after the supposed death of Jesus Christ. I can't think of anything modern that would be considered more hearsay than that. Worse still, the entire liturgical document was created by a political organization 300 years later. Nothing in that document would be permitted as evidence in court. Never mind the seventeen hundred years of rewrites and revisions. I can't speak toward the Tibetan Books of the Dead, but the Bhagavad Gita has similar issues, especially if you got your copy from a Hare Krishna

Comment Re:Personal Attention by God (Score 1) 25

What if the war happened, but the Holocaust didn't and because of that, Germany was able to devote more resources to the actual effort and win? What if Hitler's replacement didn't go insane at the end and honored his agreement with Russia and conquered all of Europe except Britain, Ireland and Iceland?

Without the Holocaust, what egregious horror would a German-conquered Europe have?

Comment well... (Score 1) 1

The lack of a microSD isn't really as onerous as it would seem. Just install the dropbox or zumodisk app and you can have an effectively unlimited amount of disk space if it's necessary. In practice it just isn't.

What Free IDE Do You Use? 1055

postermmxvicom writes "I program only occasionally and mostly for personal interest. I went to update my favorite free IDE, Dev C++, yesterday and noticed that it had not been updated since 2005! I went looking for other free IDEs and came across Code::Blocks and Visual Studio Express. I work from a Windows machine, use C++, and make mostly console apps; but have written a few Windows apps and D3D or OpenGL apps. I wanted to know what free IDEs you use and recommend. What do you like about them? What features do they lack? What about them irritate you (and what do you do to work around these annoyances)? For instance, when I used Visual C++ 6.0 in college, there was an error in getline that had to be fixed, and the code indenting in DevC++ needed to be tweaked to suit my liking."

Handmade vs. Commercially Produced Ethernet Cables 837

An anonymous reader writes "We have a T1 line coming into our satellite office and we rely fairly heavily on it to transfer large amounts of data over a VPN to the head office across the country. Recently, we decided to upgrade to a 20 Mbit line. Being the lone IT guy here, it fell on me to run cable from the ISP's box to our server room so I went out and bought a spool of Cat6. I mentioned the purchase and the plan to run the cable myself to my boss in head office and in an emailed response he stated that it's next to impossible to create quality cable (ie: cable that will pass a Time Domain Reflectometer test) by hand without expensive dies, special Ethernet jacks and special cable. He even went so far as to say that handmade cable couldn't compare to even the cheapest Belkin cables. I've never once ran into a problem with handmade patch cables. Do you create your own cable or do you bite the bullet and buy it from some place?"

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