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Submission + - John McAfee accused of murder, wanted by Belize police ( 1

thn writes: "John McAfee, who started the antivirus software giant named after him, has been accused of murder in Belize and wanted. McAfee had taken to "posting on a drug-focused Russian message board...about his attempts to purify the psychoactive compounds colloquially known as 'bath salts,'" Gizmodo wrote. The scariest aspect of this story may be the fact that an entire lab was constructed for John McAfee’s research purposes. Because of his efforts to extract chemicals from natural chemical plans McAfee was able to justify his experiments in a country that is largely unregulated."

Submission + - Supersymmetry theory dealt a blow (

Dupple writes: Researchers at the Large Hadron Collider have detected one of the rarest particle decays seen in Nature.

The finding deals a significant blow to the theory of physics known as supersymmetry.

Many researchers had hoped the LHC would have confirmed this by now.

Supersymmetry, or SUSY, has gained popularity as a way to explain some of the inconsistencies in the traditional theory of subatomic physics known as the Standard Model.

The new observation, reported at the Hadron Collider Physics conference in Kyoto, is not consistent with many of the most likely models of SUSY.

Prof Chris Parke, who is the spokesperson for the UK Participation in the LHCb experiment, told BBC News: "Supersymmetry may not be dead but these latest results have certainly put it into hospital."

Submission + - Milky Way is Surrounded by Halo of Hot Gas (

kelk1 writes: If the size and mass of this gas halo is confirmed, it also could be an explanation for what is known as the "missing baryon" problem for the galaxy [...] a census of the baryons present in stars and gas in our galaxy and nearby galaxies shows at least half the baryons are unaccounted for [...] Although there are uncertainties, the work by Gupta and colleagues provides the best evidence yet that the galaxy's missing baryons have been hiding in a halo of million-kelvin gas that envelopes the galaxy.

Submission + - Slackware 14 almost here (

DidoEx writes: "Slackware is bound to be about ready, Patrick's on his fifth release candidate for Pete's sake. Fortunately, his steganographical message in the latest changelog said, "Really, this time it is not a drill! Everything is in place and ready to release at this point."
He continued by saying if no showstoppers are found we can expect the official release "soon." It's my good fortune to subscribe to Willy Sudiarto Raharjo's Slackblogs because he parses those boring changelogs into a human readable format. He blogged earlier what was new this release:

* Linux Kernel 3.2.29
* GLIBC upgraded to tzdata 2012f
* Patch rebuilt to add upstream patch
* Git, Slacktrack, Samba, SVN, and VSFTPD upgraded to the latest bugfix releases
* More kernel configs in testing/ directory, including 3.4.11, 3.5.4, and 3.6-RC4"

Submission + - If the SOPA zombies come (

An anonymous reader writes: There are multiple theories about what could happen if SOPA, ACTA or PIPA or other anti-free digital world lobbies get their plans. A digital cops would occupy internet environment. You would not be sure, no about if you are going to find it, but if you are enabled to find it. The main problem is: where are the DNSs (Domain Name System to associate info and domain names)?

Comment Re:Watching too much TV (Score 1) 232

You left out the part about how the current administration has obviously misplaced all the valuable aliens and alien artifacts that have been collected over the past several decades. (I don't recall whether Bush denied *he* had any, so they must have been accounted for during the previous administration.)

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