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Comment Re:"world's largest democracy" ? (Score 1) 124

Even in the greatest democracy of all time, the US, studies have shown that the will of the voters are implemented pretty close to never.

At least the Indian government is able to identify psy-ops done by globalists and strike back at those actively participating in them. That "farmers uprising" thing stink worse than any street in india.

Comment Re:Everyone is acting... (Score 1) 65

Generally speaking, if all of the international mass media is for something, you as an average citizen is fucked.

If they are against something, you should really make an effort to learn about what they're attacking and support it.

Which is why, even though I'm no expert on what's happening in Myanmar, I fully support what their military junta is doing. Especially considering who that 'pro democracy' woman is married to and why they keep promoting her as some kind of saint. Even rotten fish doesn't stink this badly.

Comment Re:They are really asking for it now (Score 2) 77

If the transaction is "insolvent", then the insurer of the one shorting pays.

They also are insolvent?

Well, how lucky are you, cause there's this bank that insured _those_ guys for a market cap of $1 trillion, so you're covered. Except, well, you might never see any money at all because those who run the system will never let plebs like you actually win, ever.

Comment Re:Ackchyually... (Score 1) 148

Wrote that was just the catalyst, you say I'm totally wrong then you completely support the gg movement's view that on corruption and that it wasn't about sexist men hating women for having sex.

That's a pretty serious case of cognitive dissonance you got going there.

And the "market expansion" you talk about? It goes down in flames when they target diverse casual gamers with games that are more suited to dedicated gamers, and end up in ruin. There's a reason why the game industry hasn't followed the movie, comic book, etc, and stayed where they are now. (except some rather amusing failures, like battlefield V and last of us)

Comment Re:Ackchyually... (Score 1) 148

It was _not_ about a boyfriend finding out his girl was sleeping with game journalists to give her crappy games good reviews.

What it was about was that when gamers found out about the story it confirmed their long building resentment against game journalism as being not about good games and the people who played and loved them, so they attacked the most obvious and visible, yet far from the only, case of corruption at the time. (which was sex for good reviews)

That was the catalyst, the sexual favors for good reviews. The underlying problem had been building for a long time and was ready to blow.

The defensive actions by the gaming media, and later main stream media in general, was so vicious and dirty that gamers as a whole rose up to fight it. and they fought it no matter how cruel and petty those in power got.

Essentially it's a story we all on /. would have supported and been in awe of.... if this was the /. of 20 years ago. Sad.

Comment Re:But the Flu isn't any worse than Influenza. (Score -1, Offtopic) 36

I mean, first they forced me to wear a vile disgusting mask that makes me feel slightly uncomfortable, just to prevent a life threatening disease.

Yeah, it's not like after 1918 they found out that making everyone wear a mask increased the frequency of various lung infections due to people wearing bacteria reservoirs over their mouths.

And now they are not only telling us to get a vaccine that contains some weird mRNA reprogramming things that have not been properly tested, they will also force us to take it or we won't get a "passport" that allows us to live a normal life.

All for a disease that, according to the CDC numbers for 2020, has lowered the overall mortality rate.

At some point /. has turned from News for Nerds to Takes from Derps.

Comment Re: Okay fine (Score 1) 478

There was no voter fraud, 60+ lawsuits showed that. Your side needs to stop fanning the flames of violence, whatever you think some other side has done.

Fun fact; there were only a couple of lawsuits that ever saw any evidence presented, the rest were all dismissed on procedural grounds.

Weird, huh?

Did you know that?

Comment Re:Likely Outcome (Score -1) 527

Empires have a life cycle of some 10 generation, or 250 years, and the people have never been well served by living under them. We're currently watching the US experiencing the looting phase of the collapse, as has been repeated so many times throughout history..

You think an European Empire will be a good thing for the populous then you know nothing about history.

Comment APT is Coming, APT is Coming!!! (Score 0) 55

If you fell for the russian hack of DNC by APT28, fancy bear, identified by how they used the hacking software that all the cool russians use. The russian hackers. Several years old software that russians use...d.

Now the next APT is russians hacking various US institutions, definitely being hacked by that APT thing the russians are doing with old ukrainian hacking tools that are publicly available.

Kina disappointed at how low-information the editing on /. is these days.

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