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Comment Re:Electric not the answer (Score 1) 212

"We will never see EV's as a viable solution to the masses. The trouble right now is no alternative is getting large numbers of people onboard which is required to be successful."

Sounds likr you nrrf electric buses if you want to get "large numbers of people onboard"
They do have electric buses in some countries, (the overhead wired type known as trolleybuses) and battery power could work for school buses.

Comment Re:Does the pit have to be straight down? (Score 1) 122

How high is the area around Madrid, Spain
I did Physics 101 at Massey University, in NZ

Traffic management would be crucial, what happens if a capsule from NZ and one from spain are in the tunnel at the same time

Anyway if we had the technology to drill even a tenth of the esy to the centre of the earth, our energy nrrds would be solved.

Comment really? (Score 1) 129

How is this better than the driver getting out of the truck, walking up to your front door, and putting the parcel down.
Sure he wont get so cold (its nearly up to zero today)
I still don't think drones would cope with bad weather that well (eg the east coast right now)

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