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Comment Re:"it appears that we tortured, raped, and murder (Score 1) 24

only says what you feel about the guy in charge now

Can you substantiate this? How do you even get to a person, much less a political party, from the linked poem? Or is this your usual make-it-up-as-you-go play? You're as pathetic as damn_registrars, who can't even be bothered to hold up his end of the Karl's Folly* Reading Club.

*The Communist Manifesto

Comment Re:"it appears that we tortured, raped, and murder (Score 1) 24

You call it a copout; I call it an existential model.
Now, if you want to attack my model, fine. I'm waiting for you to proffer something better.
Otherwise, just saying "your model sucks", without a counter-offer, kinda seems like a coupout, too.

you refuse to acknowledge the role you are playing as one who signs off on what is being done.

"You just keep on plucking that chicken." I haven't "signed off" on anything since I left active duty those years ago. I thumb my nose at your efforts to metastasize the guilt. I'm not Catholic or Jewish; I neither give nor receive such silliness. Your template, for example, would hold all Muslims accountable for ISIS beheadings. Surely you're not going there?

Comment Re:Gawd, I love that man (Score 1) 95

When the campaign starts you'll be with the GOP no matter who it is.

Wasn't true in '92, and not likely to be true in '16, your trolling be damned.

You vote for the TV's candidate's. and you are obsessed with TV personalities.

Can't top your obsession with claiming others are obsessed.

Comment Re:"it appears that we tortured, raped, and murder (Score 1) 24

Speaking of rationalizations, look at you go!
By your logic, anyone using the Roman alphabet is a torturer, rapist, and murderer.
One can make a theological argument that all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God.
However, as a legal/political matter, you're guilty of only what you've done, per a proper proceeding (not necessarily our decayed modern system).
So: how are you slicing this?

Comment Re:Gawd, I love that man (Score 1) 95

And if Hillary were a republican you would be cuddling up to her like a lost puppy.

If this notion held true, I'd be salivating when Jeb rings the bell. But I'm not. Because the notion is crap. Like the bulk of your accusations.

Comment Re:Gawd, I love that man (Score 1) 95

In a sane world, Benghazi would have halted the rodeo clowning at the four year mark. The men who gave all in combat while President Jarrett and Her Majesty dawdled may yet mean that the latter doesn't carry the tradition of idiocy further.

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