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Comment Re:Yep, another botched job, or was it?? (Score 1) 50

I would that it was not your job to offer ersatz Zen.

you have already dismissed the better alternative

Was that your "just randomize it" call? I never understood in what way it was "better".

Nope, unless I'm in the mood, I'll stick with doing the play by play. The outcome is your problem

You privilege yourself with flair and panache, sir.

It is regurgitated mass media gruel.

Oh, that my gruel were half as grueling as yours, sir!

Comment Re:You wanted his strategy... (Score 1) 36

I was asking for you to actually define a situation where President Lawnchair could share enough information with the American public without that getting to be "too much" for ISIS.

And I replied by showing you the previous procedure by which strategy moves from public to private, which seemed to stagger along semi-coherently until this Administration.

You can't define such a situation because none exists.

OK, ya got me. Nothing 'exists'. It's all so much illusion. Closer to the truth (without touching it) I am a leprechaun seated on the back of a unicorn that is currently grazing about in the pleasant fields of Atlantis, strummin' me magic harp, which produces this post via the WAIWMTCWTBW (Why Am I Wasting My Time Conversing With This Brick Wall) protocol.

Comment Re:Yep, another botched job, or was it?? (Score 1) 50

OK, so you're playing the "All have sinned, and come short of he glory of God" card. And you're dissatisfied with my efforts at improving the situation. Sure. And you're privileged such that you don't have to offer anything other that bits of ersatz Zen in response. You're kind of a yawn, you know?

Comment Re:Yep, another botched job, or was it?? (Score 1) 50

Wait, what instance of excessive power in the hands of the unelected few am I defending, unawares, this time?
Your doctrine of my mindlessness has exposed so much Zombie Smitty activity, I must confess I'm astounded. When not snarfing brains.

Comment Re:You wanted his strategy... (Score 1) 36

All i want is for you to stop moving the goal posts and describe clearly a situation where President Lawnchair could describe the strategy to the American public enough to satisfy you without you claiming that he is giving it all away to The Enemy.

And all I want is for you to have your first encounter with a godforsaken clue.
Go read some Kagan or Mead, please, sir.

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