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Comment Re:Why explicitly war zone? (Score 0) 352

Being a westerner, and being a geek, you probably wouldn't be toting any protection beyond a cellphone. That places you in a very precarious position. You'd be a prime target for kidnapping and easy meat for a drive-by or casual sniping.

You wouldn't really be safe outside of a compound, and possibly not even there. I spent most of 40 years in combat zones. It's a damned hard place to live if you aren't armed and don't have team mates to cover your ass. IMHO, people who like "daily excitement" don't generally need to worry about having piles of money for later. Mainly because they don't get a "later," just dead.

Comment Re:Barrack "Handjob Hussein" Obama (Score 0) 427

Our particular form of government is past it's prime and is too big to work as it stands. The American government was designed to support the needs of widely-spread agrarian society with little or no access to news and discussions of current issues, but were fortunate to have personal trust in the people elected as representatives.

All of those conditions disappeared long ago. All we have left now is a corrupt collection of power-hungry gits.

Comment Barrack "Handjob Hussein" Obama (Score 0) 427

"We The People" is an ingenious device to let the American subjects think that they have some effect on government's actions, when in actuality, this is yet another method for Obama to jerk you off. Change you can believe in: Say hello to the New Boss, Same as the Old Boss. Credits:
  • The 2008 Obama Campaign (Change slogan)
  • Phil Fotot (Handjob Hussein, the Jerkoff King)
  • The Who (Won't Get Fooled Again)

Comment Re:I stopped reading the responses after... (Score 1) 920

Not being ironic or sarcastic here, not even defending your president's answer, just an honest question: is marijuana really proved to be totally non-addictive? Or is it something still up for debate and research?

Marijuana is addictive in the same manner as is enjoying a scone with your tea every morning. Once you are accustomed to that scone, if it's taken away you experience an annoyance that slightly disrupts your mental well being. How disruptive is not having that joint after work? Not enough to measure. Physical addiction? LOL. There is none. Even government studies have refuted that theory.

As for the rest of the letter's statements, well, charitably, it was well written. It was all lies and 1930's-style FUD (a la "Reefer Madness").

It is in Obama's best interest to lie his way out of having any serious discussion on the legalization issue because he knows that he'll have his ass handed to him in a debate on the subject. He has no ammunition and no way to find any because it doesn't exist unless he has it manufactured.

Perhaps Michelle or one of his kids will be stricken with Multiple Sclerosis. It would be a very Dickens-esque ending.

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