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Comment Could it be Attention Deficit Disorder? (Score 1) 601

A lot of developers suffer from ADD. Like right now I'm reading /. instead of working on updating some technical specifications.

ADD impacts you when the task seems overwhelming or requires too much thought. Instead of working on it, you'll find something else to do to keep busy.

Now you can get diagnoses by a doctor and start taking the pills and that's supposed to help.

The other thing to do is to try to break it down into smaller tasks that you can focus on without getting bored. Obviously this works better if you have someone who can help with this.

I have the same problem, I have something I want to do, know what I want to do, am really excited by it, but can't focus on it.

Comment It's funny (Score 1) 526

Prior to 2003, Orin Hatch was frequently heralded here on /. as a great defender of consumer rights because he was always bashing on Hilary Rosen.

Then suddenly when they replaced Rosen with Mitch Bainwol, Hatch changed his tune. Now he was the greatest champion of everything the RIAA asked for.

One only needs to look up the political affiliations of Rosen and Bainwol to understand why. :-)

Comment I don't find this to be true (Score 1) 858

I have a Dell Inspiron E1505 that is three years old, it was loaded with the fastest processor, most memory, 7200 rpm harddrive, x1300 video card, best LCD screen(15" 1680x1050). I love the machine.

Looking on ebay, it appears I could get around $400 selling it now.

Ok, so I looked up similar vintage MacBook Pro, looks like they sell for $1000.

But here's the thing. I looked at the MBP, and at the time for the same configuration it was $2400. My Dell was $1200.

$2400-1000 = $1400
$1200-400 = 800.

Yeah, my Dell wasn't quite comparable to the Mac... not as fast of video, heavier, etc. But it did what I needed. So I agree with the original point that if you price out what you need you can get a cheaper machine and I don't think resale makes up for the difference.

Comment Re:Offer citizenship to H1B holders (Score 1) 612

Indeed, I don't see any difference between H1B holders and local talent. For every great one there's a really horrible one. There are lots of mediocre ones too.

agreed. H1B has become the new tech bubble. It's attracting a lot of really bad people who just want to get rich quick.

A long term strategy would be to use H1B for quality people, as well as developing quality talent within the US. Right now the H1B use for filling entry level positions appears to be distorting our ability to create local talent.

Comment H1B is destroying the IT market (Score 0, Flamebait) 612

My experience over the past 15 years has been that H1B isn't used to bring in qualified people that we couldn't otherwise find in the US. It's being used to fill the entry level positions.

I don't know why, but it appears that by filling entry level with the H1B individuals this is distorting the free market within the US. Why do they need to go outside the country? Possibly because there has been a decline in people seeking ComSci and other similar degrees. Why would that be the case? Possibly because the IT industry has not addressed their salaries, or work/life balance issues. Possibly also because in my experience IT departments are extremely bad at recruiting out of college. Possibly also because IT departments are bad at developing talent.

Regardless, the influx of H1B individuals filling entry level positions is destroying the entire IT industry because we are no longer developing talent within the country.

This is actually a pretty major issue. Youw ant to call it tribalism, whatever. I'll certainly call it Nationalism. I think it is important for our country to have a functioning free market system, and the H1B system is distorting the free market and not allowing it to function properly.

Comment Re:Apple exiting iPod classic market (Score 1) 361

I guess I don't see the Touch has having been a fundamental improvement as it doesn't really allow you to play any different content. I suppose it does give you a larger screen for video, and arguably it's useful for games.

Besides the Touch hasn't been that popular. Probably because the iPhone is essentially the same device but with a phone.

I don't know why they are pushing the Nanos in the stores, but they are. Given the price, and what you can now buy flash memory for it is surprising to me that they have not introduced a 32 or 64 gig version of the Nano already. But then they wouldn't have quite the profit margin.

Main point is, we're at the tail end of the iPod cycle. We're waiting for the next big thing. Not sure what that is.

I find it interesting that people claiming Microsoft should abandon the market because of Apple dominance are the same ones who said Microsoft could never sell more Xbox's then Sony Playstations, and yet we've seen where that led.

Comment Re:And they were probably correct (Score 1) 1061

If one was *really* concerned about Global Warming, one would want a thermostat applied to the Sun. No one has suggested that. I find it remarkable the Sun stays as consistent as it does.

Actually last week on Nova they were talking about several studies that have occured over the years which measure the light hitting earth from the sun. They are not entirely certain why, but over the past 50 or so years they have measured less sunlight.

These measurements come from a study done by an Israeli scientist who measured actual light output, and then from a whole host of data that has been collected over one hundred years for agricultural purposes called the pan evaporation index.

One study done in Wisconsin following 9/11 noted an increase in temperature when the planes stopped flying, leading to a premise that perhaps the exhaust from jets is blanketing the earth and shielding us from sun light. Jets just being one cause, obviously pollution has a similar effect. The show noted that this started dramatically increasing in the 1990s which I suppose coincides with industrialization in India and China.

Now maybe it's not this, and it's sun spots as you say. That could only be determined by measuring solar light levels from a satellite located outside of our atmosphere.

It was an interesting show, and shows how complicated this is.

The claim that humans cannot impact the environment though is patently stupid, as there is thousands of years of evidence that contradicts it.

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