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Comment What are these "trick or treaters" you speak of? (Score 1) 437

Seriously, we moved from a neighborhood that was over-the-top haunted house-everyone decorated-kids roamed in packs 10+ deep, to a bona fide Halloween wasteland.

Unfortunately we didn't know that and decorated like we had for years, garage door sized flaming skull and all, and didn't tweak to why we were being shunned by the "neighbors" for *weeks*.

At least the holiday antipathy is non-sectarian. Christmas is pretty much the same way, so my days of balancing on a rickety ladder to get the LED lights up are over too.

Comment Re:Fearmonger (Score 1) 167

""Ah - there we go.""
"Ah, you're a loon."

Actually, he has a point.

Aerial spraying, while better targeted today than ever before does have a high rate of collateral damage and the pesticide being used now includes chemicals which are designed to cause "benign excitation" to ensure "wider delivery".

Reps for the company did not state what that compound was, nor how it would affect species outside the target scope.

All of this for 7 confirmed deaths and 200+ suspected cases in the affected area. Malaria affects many more in the underdeveloped world in a month, but you don't hear MSM bleating "Imminent DOOM" about that.

Comment I don't think so (Score 1) 332

"...a future where you don't need to manage your iOS device with a PC at all â" Mac or Windows.", and no thank you.

Security concerns aside, I don't trust any company to manage my data for me. If something borks while it's nominally under my control, it's my responsibility. Once it's "in the cloud" that all evaporates.

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