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Comment Re:NFT is a solution looking for a problem (Score 1) 54

Same here. Didn't know anything was happening before 2008, which is when I started seeing things on message boards. Also considered setting it up, but that was long before it turned into a money machine. It was not at all clear (to me) where it was headed. There was the Bitcoin Pizza Day guy that paid 10000 mined coins for a couple of pizzas, but I'm sure you know about that.

I'm a digital artist, so I've been considering doing something with NFT, but still maybe a year away from trying. The marketplaces are garbage - just people desperate to throw any old thing up and see if someone is dumb enough to pay for it.

Comment Re:Am I the only one wondering ... (Score 3, Insightful) 800

False equivalence. There is a big difference between giving a couple marital rights regardless of their respective genders and compelling people to be "nice." You might as well outlaw all pejoratives.

Whether or not "they" in singular form is correct English is very much up for debate. All of my English teachers would have disagreed. The argument that it's been used for centuries doesn't wash because people have been using incorrect English in many forms for centuries. People say "irregardless," but that doesn't make it right.

That said, I'm okay with singular they for a generic person of unknown gender even though I was taught to use "he or she." My reasoning is that constantly using "he or she" and "his or hers" ruins the flow of my writing. I have some objection to using singular they to refer to a specific person simply because it generates ambiguity. It doesn't mean I can't get used to it, but forcing people to do it (or else) seems a bit barbaric to me.

Comment Re:Not surprising (Score 3, Informative) 20

I am among the group of persistent license owners that recently received a notification that activation would be unavailable after the end of August. I had to scramble and get a new machine specifically for the purpose of preserving Max and Maya (have copies of both - cost $7000 back in 2009) for as long as possible while I make the switch to Blender. Screw Autodesk - they are shooting themselves in the foot.

As for funding, Ubisoft and Epic are both contributing funds to the project, so ...

Comment Developer Since 1989 ... (Score 1) 495

Paying your dues is nothing new in this industry. I started right out of high school in 1989 making $4/hour. Accounting for inflation, that would be just over $8/hour today. Yes, you read that right.

The subject of the article has a degree and I did not, so that accounts for some higher expectations. However, after three and a half years of experience, strong technical skills, and having learned 3d before any of my coworkers, I was making $8/hour or just over $16/hour today. Yes, I left the job. Yes, I struggled for some time thereafter. Eventually, I found something better. And then lost that job. Then found something still better.

Onward and upward, but then again, whining on social media was not possible in those days. I wonder about the impact that might have.

Comment Re:Veteran indie vs. newcomer indie (Score 1) 495

Nonsense! Not all games are blockbusters requiring a staff of hundreds. The vast majority of them are teams of ten or less.

The expectations heaped on the big players to produce monstrous games have a lot to do with why they try to get away with paying as little as possible. The internal structure required to track progress on huge games (and employee benefits, etc.) is very expensive.

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