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Comment Re:I'll take the wine instead (Score 5, Insightful) 480

Incorrect. Buying a *single* ticket is worth it, since it puts you on the playing field at least. It's buying 2+ tickets that aren't worth the money, Every ticket after the first raises your chances by such an incredibly small amount that it's not worth it. The first ticket raising your chances above a flat zero is worth it though.

Comment Re:Seems like... (Score 1) 40

He sits there and hits the left and right keys on the d-pad like he's having a seizure. Yes he's doing "all right." He'd also be doing the same kind of all right with an atari joystick wired up.

This is a man living out his dream of using a Power Glove to do something, and I salute him for that. He's not changing the world though, or making anything easier. He's purposely handicapping himself to do it. Yes, he ends up with his desired end result, but he could do it much faster and easier if he used a different tool.

Comment Re:Car analogy? (Score 1) 81

Think of a monster truck show.

All those junk cars lined up in a row, that's the diamond. Then out comes Gravedigger. The driver revs the engine and hits the ramp, landing on the cars and crushing them. Bam, denser diamonds.

Then Truckasaurus comes stomping out into the arena and starts grabbing the smashed cars and eating them. Flames and sparks are shooting everywhere and the cars (diamonds) explode into little pieces half a second later.

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