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Comment Re:More NIMBY (Score 1) 409

Ebola is not highly communicative,

True ... it hardly ever talks !!! I think you meant "communicable" ... and "highly communicable" is a relative term ... HIV is not highly communicable, but millions of people have it worldwide. Ebola is as easily transmitted as HIV; arguably more easily, (no one ever got HIV from hugging someone) but it kills you insanely fast and there is no treatment. Deliberately transporting people infected with it to this continent, seems arrogant at best and monumentally and criminally stupid at worst.

Comment Re:What a silly title ... (Score 1) 115

nice straw-man you built there ... a single shared property does not the same thing make ... a platypus and a duck are not the same species just because they have "duck bills"

The refractive index profile is what makes it "optical" ..agreed. The part that makes it a "fiber" is it's nature of being a long fine continuous thread or filament..(which gives it the ability ti bend around corners. )

I never said it wasn't an optical channel ... I said calling it an optical fiber made of air was silly ... they should have said something like "optical fiber effect replicated in thin air" ...

Comment What a silly title ... (Score 4, Interesting) 115

One of the chief benefit of optical fiber is that it doesn't require LOS. All they've done here is demonstrate the capability to mimic the loss-less advantages of optical fiber without actually having a fiber ... once they can do this around corners... then maybe they've "created optical fiber out of thin air" until then not so much.

Comment Re:Transistors was there but memory was not? WTF (Score 2) 78

a transistor by itself is not memory ... just as a gear by itself is not a clock. They have to be connected in specific ways to function as memory ... all the article is saying this is the first time that configuration has been done with print tech ... not that it couldn't have been done before, just that no-one had.

Comment Re:This is why you need.. (Score 1) 265

In my experience, if your load-balancing solution requires all your nodes to be available, and you can't remove one or more nodes without affecting the remainder, it's a piss-poor load balancing solution. Good load balancing solutions are fault tolerant up to, and including, absent or non-responsive nodes and any load balanced system that suffers an outage due to removing a single node is seriously under-resourced.

Comment Re:B.S. (Score 1) 302

Nobody is saying that ... what they're saying is that if you want the advantages of a corporation, you have to accept the limitations of the corporate legal entity. read this article ...http://www.minnpost.com/community-voices/2014/07/how-hobby-lobby-ruling-transforms-and-weakens-american-corporation?utm_source=MinnPost-RSS&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+minnpost+(MinnPost.com+-+Minnesota+News+and+Analysis) from the article

Corporation characteristics Ask any student in law school to describe the characteristics of a corporation and one answer will be limits on personal liability. The second is that corporations have a legal identity distinct from its owners. Individuals incorporating enjoy limits on their personal liability for acts of the corporation. A legal wall is created, distinguishing owners from their corporations. Corporate law is premised upon this separation of the personal identity of individuals from their corporations. Corporations, distinct from their shareholders or officers, can be taxed, charged with crimes, or held culpable for their acts. The corporate/individual distinction served American business well for nearly two centuries. It facilitated the creation of great wealth for many, encouraged risk-taking and innovation, and allowed for people to act collectively. The corporate form also helped to politically neutralize businesses. The 1907 Tillman Act, barring corporations from making direct political contributions to federal candidates, along with the 1947 Taft-Hartley Act, which barred them from making any political expenditures to affect federal campaigns, went a long way toward removing corporations from politics. Effectively, the laws said that the purpose of business is business, not politics, echoing the sentiment of economist Milton Friedman, who said in his famous 1970 article “The Social Responsibility of Business Is to Increase Its Profits” that if business executives wish to be socially responsible and ethical they should spend their own money and not that of their shareholders. Businesses cannot be ethical; people can be. The Supreme Court has forgotten this point. First in the 2010 Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission decision the court declared that laws restricting the political spending of corporations violated their free speech rights. Now in Hobby Lobby it is saying that laws that require some corporations to pay for contraceptives coverage in their health insurance plans violate their religious rights. In both cases the court refused to distinguish the individuals from the corporations they own.

Comment Re:Lower cost for H1B ? In your dreams .... (Score 1) 341

While i see your point it's a hard one to sell... people at that level in their chosen profession are going to be so well established that emigrating to the US just isn't going to be that attractive resulting in very small numbers of H1B's ... so you lose the benefits of having the program (i.e. having a worker pool where you need a lot of people that you haven't got) . . This article http://www.motherjones.com/pol... illustrates the real abuses of the H1B system. Using it to bring offshore workers onshore to train them!!

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