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Comment This Is In Part Why I Had a Firepace Built/// (Score 1) 58

...despite the chiding from my builder that most houses didn't have fireplaces.

I just held two mass cardboard burns the other day and will probably do a third tomorrow. Carboard burns pretty hot so I have to be careful not to "overheat" the flue, but that's easy to manage.

If you can't burn your cardboard you might have a friend who would like the free burnables. Barring that I know most cities have some form or cardboard recycling, free and not free.


Comment Excellent Move (Score 1) 59

Uses like school bases and transit buses are an excellent use for electric vehicles. Helps get the industry jump started, allows the companies bidding to refine their product, and increases the overall market share. The restrictions of battery life is somewhat overcome by simply plugging it in for the bulk of the day between runs and/or overnight.

It's a good step....Ilike it.


Comment Re:What false facts? (Score 1) 341

> If you live in large parts of Florida you can't buy hurricane insurance anymore. Nobody will sell it to > you. This is after decades and decades of it being sold.

Um....if you're going to make a wild assertion you need to back it up. Because none of these sites...admittedly I didn't search to destruction..didn't show any issues:

Again not saying you're wrong, but some credible cites would help with your assertion a bit.


Comment Kinda Saw This Coming (Score 1) 365

Look, no government should provide subsides IMO, no matter what. They distort the market and just rebound in not necessarily good ways.

Having said that, the whole issue is more "meta" than that. Amazon bailed because in large part because of the extremely poor treatment they'd been getting, the attacks on their business practices (right or wrong), and the way the whole environment had just been "soured". It's not at all hard to believe that they just looked at the increasingly unfriendly environment around the whole thing and decided to just bail for friendlier territory.

Bad for New York. Good for another state...and hopefully said state does not offer subsides and the like.


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