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Comment Orwellian fears are killing people..... (Score 3, Interesting) 288

I get a SMS if my car moves 2ft when I'm not in it. My 3 yellow labs all have id chips as well as GPS trackers. My laptop and phone have "find me" features so I don't loose my precious terminal.

However your kids, your husband, wife, parents run around in complete secrecy under the guise of "privacy"

When people aren't looking, people do HORRIBLE THINGS. When teachers aren't looking kids do screwed up things, uncles "touch" and ask to not "tell", priests take advantage, people have strokes on hiking trips, pass out in bars.

I should not only know where my most precious humans are, but I should know they are safe, conscious and alive.

Sex trafficking, kidnapping, dump luck kill, wounds and mentally damages the brother and sisters and wives and husbands of all of us, and we sit around saying " oh it's totally worth it, because "privacy" is so critical.

I grew up in a town with a secret gov facility. We were all under constant surveillance We all knew it.

If sunlight or starlight can touch you, so can anyone who wants to. Anyone who thinks differently is kidding themselves.

It's time we get over that book and start taking care of our loved ones.

It MUST be transparent. It MUST have watchers watching watchers watching watchers. It MUST be optional.

and we MUST stop losing humans like car keys.

Comment totally agreed! (Score 1) 828

  Teancum does a great job of explaining the gaps that make those to understand this field very skeptical, but keeps as much of a open mind as someone can considering what this is all about.

I will say however, I am continually suprised by the number of scientist from NASA and other "groups" who I either get to talk to or I see speak who seem rather opptimistic about this project.

Quite a curiousity, and exciting to speculate about.

Comment Re:The next major revolution will be quantum..... (Score 1) 54

WOW! Here I was just relaxing on a Saturday morning imagining all the crazy possibilities if we end up being able to transmit state without any consideration of distance. Quantum computing as described in these great vids is just one example of how things can change.

Personally, I don't believe in impossible. Between the Easter Bunny, Santa Clause and now the Speed of Light, I've learned not to let hard boarders block free thinking.

Moving away from a world of just 0s & 1s and adding things like |0>&|1> could have all sorts of crazy impacts in 20yrs that we can't even imagine today.

I was just trying to be optimistic and get a little excited about a concept that really could change our understanding of things, and hopefully get more people to watch those videos and learn more about it. It was meant to be crazy, exciting and hopefully motivational.

Very sorry if I offended your sense of reality, I was just excited about the 20, 50, 100yr possibilities of things like "spooky action at a distance"

Comment The next major revolution will be quantum..... (Score 1) 54

For me, a major fundamental revolution is one that goes beyond improving on itself. A concept or group of concepts that begins and in the end permeates nearly every product and concept throughout the human world.

We are very much into the run of the "Information" or "Computer" or "Digital" revolution in how people are now in mass looking at every single mundane product or process and seeing how this "new" way of looking at things can change/improve/simplify. Evidenced by the Refrigerator with Ethernet port, TCP/IP stack and webserver.

Quantum, or more specifically quantum mechanics will be the next Major human revolution.

Once pure quantum systems are produced and seen to have value we will see an explosion of devices, products, processes.

You will have Quantum Disk Suite, a way of linking drives together so that backups aren't needed.

and Quantum Transceivers to that all those Optical SFPs in your switches and routers won't need cables anymore

and Quantum Video technology so you don't see that lame bloody delay when someone from NY is talking to someone on TV from Paris.

When? Very hard to tell. It will however, just as Industry and 0's&1's did before, change _everything_

Comment How do we train new hackers? (Score 1) 285

When you, myself and many others were younger, you could do all sorts of digital stuff while under 18 without any concerns about geting in trouble.

WIth how things are today, how do we get kids to learn these skills? Where does someone learn safely how to break into a newtwork?

Comment So Companies are people right.......... (Score 1) 440

Maybe if we can argue that the cell signal is a branch of the Cell Company...

And then we all know Companies are People...

So then by killing signals aren't they not only impedeading the trade of legal goods (you may want to order a pizza while protesting), but harming thounds of little partical people, who at the moment are in the form of waves?

Comment Why is anyone surprised by this? (Score 2) 213

Of course they track and watch some Americans. Some Americans are trying to do some very bad things. Simply being a US Citizen does not (unfortunately) mean you don't want to do harm.

Does it need to be done carefully? yes
Does it need oversight? YES
Could it be abused? yes
Can we stop doing it? no
Do we really want them to stop it? NO

it's not like after this they just gave up that line of thought and went on to other things =)

Submission + - Are YOU at the IETF 81 Meeting? Why not? 2

Desmoden writes: Or go to NANOG, or participate in IEEE? Any other standards group? While at the IETF this year I'm bothered by the number of professionals standards folk, and not enough users. These group are for users, but you are all under represented.

So if you aren't here, or don't go. Would love to hear why?

Comment Why don't people understand..... (Score 1) 1017

Why don't people understand. They use children to deliver bombs, women to blow up buildings. They hide explosives in dead bodies on the side of the road. They will do ANYTHING to kill those they hate. They will try to attract the dogs of soldiers to kill the soldier and the dog. They will strap explosives to a dog. They will do absolutely anything they can to kill just one of us.

The FIRST time they find out a stroller gets through, or a baby, or a kid, without being checked? There will be diapers full of plastic explosives before you can get through the line.

ANYTHING out of bounds will immediately be exploited

Do you think the TSA folks like checking under rolls of fat for weapons? Do you think they like scaring kids? They are suffering for our safety.

This is the result of being at war with terrorists. No one likes it, but it's reality.

Don't like it? Don't fly.

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