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Comment Re:Could be a different route involved for the VPN (Score 3, Insightful) 398

As for number three.... Netflix is willing to provide their CDN hardware to ISPs for free. The ISP just has to house the hardware. I don't know enough about how all the back end works, so fair and equitable is up in the air. But, Verizon doesn't want to go that route without getting paid either.

Comment Re:Could be a different route involved for the VPN (Score 1) 398

Verizon is intentionally restricting traffic flow, degrading the quality of service for THEIR paying customers. It really doesn't matter about the rest. They're willing to make their paying customers suffer. However, Netflix and Level 3 are willing to work with Verizon to resolve the issue. I'm not saying Verizon is wrong for wanting additional compensation in the peerage agreements, but they're going above and beyond at the expense of their own customers.

Comment Re:It's not just the refund (Score 2) 137

Seriously? Personal accountability should always be first and foremost. You, as a person, should be responsible for your actions. You're suggesting that the companies should be forced to be accountable for you. You're saying it's ok for our populace to not care they don't know the first thing about what they're doing. Someone else will take care of it for them.

Comment Re:It's not just the refund (Score 1, Insightful) 137

If you can't take the time to learn how to use your tablet, you shouldn't use the tablet. If your kids don't know how to use the tablet, they shouldn't use the tablet. It really isn't too much to ask people to actually be at least halfway responsible with their choices. Admittedly, I am technical support for an ISP... and I'm a bit jaded. But, I get to see some of the worst when it comes to people not understanding the first thing about the devices they feel they NEED to have.

Comment Re:It's not just the refund (Score 4, Insightful) 137

People aren't willing to accept responsibility for themselves and their kids. We shouldn't be forcing the companies to accept the responsibility instead. If you don't agree with how Amazon does it, don't buy their devices or use their appstore. If they feel they're losing too many customers based on their business practices.. they'll change them. Either way, they shouldn't be targeted by the FTC.

Comment Re:"doing quite well"? No cash reserves, credit li (Score 1) 59

It only sounds like they operate on a tighter budget than some larger magazines would. Also, "We do intend to survive, even if the actions of TEN: The Enthusiast Network put us massively into debt." It sounds like it's less about being able to get a line of credit, and more about them hoping they don't have to.

Comment Re:This is telling (Score 1) 365

They've pretty much always pushed the whole detachable keyboard and ability to do real work, for the Surface Pro. That right there shows what the goal of the Surface Pro was. That isn't to say they didn't want to see the Surface RT to take off, but the Pro was pretty much always a flexible laptop replacement

Comment Re:K part, 500MHz stock bump DOESNT MATTER (Score 1) 57

One sample doesn't show anything. They even mention that in TFA. Also, it appears Intel reported it achieving 5.5ghz on air cooling during Computex for their OC challenge. I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if they cherry picked the cores for the challenge, but it shows they're at least capable of higher.

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