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Comment Admit it dude, you're thrilled by the publicity. (Score 1, Troll) 252

You're obviously no fool, and you know this is the best thing that's ever happened to your blog. Youtube videos that you posted a mere two months ago are showing less than 100 views, but your most recent one where you discuss this issue has 23,000 views. I understand why you're acting so glum -- it should sweeten the "pain and suffering" damages you'll eventually get -- but not all of us are fooled by the act.

I'm not saying I blame you a bit, just that I'm not buying the "woe is me" schtick.

Comment Re:Idiot lawmakers (Score 1) 601

Nope, it's the laws that have no room for exception and interpretation that are among the worst kinds.

Laws where you can show mercy, where you can recognize the limits of human capacity, are actually among the best kinds.

At least, as long as humans continue to be imperfect.

I prefer my justice blind, thank you.

That's not to say I think that laws can't prescribe a range for punishments, for example 1 to 5 years in prison for something, with a judge considering various factors while deciding the actual sentence.

But there should be no built-in provision for non-enforcement. If you're not comfortable with everyone being equally subjected to a law, perhaps the activity in question should not be illegal.

In this case, the couple did nothing illegal, they're just being penalized because of what happened on their property centuries before they were born. That goes against the notion of basic fairness held by most people. That's why the law has to contain provisions for "relief".

Comment Re:That is seriously an unhealthy amount (Score 1) 642

The daily reference intake for sugar states that added sugar should nto exceed 25% of calories.
For a 2000 Cal intake that is 500 Cal. The 7-eleven shitty "super gulps" and whatever exceed this
in a single serving.

If you ask me they should just go and make a law that a single serving cannot contain more than
50% of the reference intake. That way you can sell those stupid 5 pint "drinks". You just would not
be allowed to have half a pound of sugar in them.

So real freedom means NOTHING to you?

Obviously not, and it's a pretty sad state of affairs. Sugar is not nearly as big a threat to our society as the ever-growing segment of the population who pine for a nanny state to treat them like children and take away their choices.

Comment Re:Good (Score 2) 642

Drinks used to be served in smaller containers, and society survived just fine. Restaurants started using larger containers to exploit flaws in human psychology, allowing them to trick customers into buying more than they want or need. This is done to make more money, and to hell with the health of the general public.

Your free will isn't as all-powerful as you think it is. There are a great many people spending billions of dollars every year on cutting edge science to control your purchasing decisions, and you don't stand a snowflake's chance in hell against them. Only as a group can we fight back.

Thankfully, there are government nannies and other assorted busybodies who will save us.

Comment Re:Good (Score 5, Insightful) 642

Oh, one thing comes to my mind: They could allow for large servings under the condition that the glass/cup will have multiple mandatory photos of repulsively obese people on it. Just like with cigarettes and the warning labels on them.

Do the busybodies who are convinced they're smarter than everyone else, and hence, entitled to manage their lives, ever rest?

Comment That depends... (Score 1) 288

Do you want it installed today, or do you want to wait a week while I write up instructions and scripts and test them in a clean environment (that will probably need to be built from scratch)? And, of course, while I'm doing that I won't be working on the other projects everyone's been hounding me for. Is it OK to push the delivery for those back a week? Your call.

Comment Re:The google's way ? (Score 2) 234

We quickly found out that even with games that hadn't been in print in 20+ years and that frankly never sold worth a shit in the first place (we're not talking Doom here folks, we are talking those cheesy knockoffs and platformers and puzzlers) that when we found the owners the amount of sheer fucking insane levels of greed was beyond nuts. There were several wanting 4 and 5 figures up front NOT for the code, NOT for even the complete game, but just for the right to use the original shareware! And many wanted the rights to OUR code on top! The sad part is we also found that we could just go the Chinamart route and say fuck the IP bullshit and get it done that way.

Sounds like they gave you guys the "go away and quit bothering me" price. I might do the same thing if someone contacted me out of the blue asking me to sign over rights to something for them to sell, with the assurance, of course, that they "never expected to make any money" off it.

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