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Comment Re:Regulations a bit premature (Score 5, Insightful) 1146

LED bulbs are far better – when implemented correctly, they're pretty much indistinguishable from incandescents. But they are also very expensive – about $15 for the Cree bulbs at Home Depot, which are the cheapest ones I've found that have decent online reviews. Hopefully in a couple of years the manufacturing process will mature so that the price will go down without compromising quality.

the price of leds is made up by the extreme long life they have.

Submission + - Why violent crime is so rare in Iceland

mrspoonsi writes: Following the recent police homicide in Iceland, the BBC examines why violent crime is so rare in Iceland. Gun ownership in Iceland is 1/3rd the level of the USA, yet gun homicides are 11000 times more in the USA. Andrew Clark Suffolk University Law School student spent 6 months studying the differences, a week in Iceland changed my perspective. I was pleasantly flummoxed by what I saw. Violent crime was virtually non-existent. People seemed relaxed about their safety and that of their children to the point where parents left their babies outside and unattended. First — and arguably foremost — there is virtually no difference among upper, middle and lower classes in Iceland. And with that, tension between economic classes is non-existent, a rare occurrence for any country, equality was the biggest reason for the nation's relative lack of crime. "Here you can have the tycoon's children go to school with everyone else," Sigurdsson says, adding that the country's social welfare and education systems promoted an egalitarian culture. In addition, there are, comparatively speaking, few hard drugs in Iceland.

Submission + - Plastic Waste Threatens Marine Diversity (

Rambo Tribble writes: An article in Current Biology (abstract) details the finding that minute particles of plastic waste are affecting marine worms, potentially having grave impacts on marine biodiversity and leading to the accumulation of toxins in marine animals. Unfortunately, policymakers have routinely treated such wastes as benign. The BBC provides more approachable coverage of the findings.

Submission + - Solar Energy Could Be America's Greatest National Security Asset (

mdsolar writes: "America's energy use poses threats to national security on numerous fronts. Aging transmission systems coupled with an increasingly computerized grid have left our country vulnerable to a crippling attack on our energy infrastructure. The Department of Defense is the largest energy consumer in the world and is hemorrhaging money on electricity and oil expenditures. Overseas, reliance on fuel is deadly and costly for military operations. And of course, there's climate change, which poses numerous security threats to Americans. Solar energy offers a remedy for each of these monumental security risks."

Comment Re: rentals (Score 1) 1143

What would probably be smart is if some landlords got a clue and voluntarily made properties very energy efficient, and then used that as a selling point when advertising the property for rent. I don't think I've ever seen this done yet, which strikes me as a little bit odd.

why don't you look around for another home then?

Comment Re:Probably Obama. Or the Tea Party. (Score 1) 569

. in fact, it's the epitome of the government regulating and controlling everything.

That's not what I call regulation. regulation serves to increase competition and protect the weakest actor on the market (in this case: the consumer, by far). The thing you think that is regulation, is in fact a tool of plutocracy.

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