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Comment AR MMORG (Score 1) 176

Heh how long before people start playing these games actively... say with a motion joystick like a wii remote, and a pair of AR glasses, so they are now wandering around fighting orcs on quests in real time.

Wonder how long it would be before someone gets in trouble, probably by not paying attention, or possibly by realistically brandishing something resembling a weapon in a public place?

Comment explain to me (Score 2) 99

why are we not prosecuting the advertisers themselves for fraud? who the hell gives these people money to make this multi-headed, nested box, country jumping, spam monster?

Doesn't it boil down to one end getting spam, and the other end getting money? If there is a way for money to transfer to that end, then there should be a way for people to find that end, and then charge them five times whatever money they made in fines.

Stop hitting HOW they spam, and start hurting WHY.

Comment I Use Miro (Score 3, Interesting) 201

I've had it on my computer for a couple years now. It had codecs for a bunch of videos I had on my system from a LONG time ago. I like it. I noticed a new update popped up when I watched a video on it yesterday. I always have a couple redundant systems on my computer so if one of my old files doesn't work I can test it on something else. Miro is as good as anything else for watching movies on, and having options besides the big dominating one is always a good thing.

Comment Easy to trick (Score 1) 151

Using the same formatting a human can get his message across anyways. To try to fix this would be like "trying to close the stable door after the critters have vamoosed". or "tossing the kid out with the tubwater". now those examples probably won't trigger the keyword search form barn door and horses. or baby and bathwater. Now apply that to something more nasty, like "that fella needs a be introduced to a bucket of hot road tar and what you pluck from a chicken"

Comment This is science fiction, let's BE futuristic (Score 1) 607

Its time for the shows we love to start giving the finger to distribution channels on tv, and post their shows once a week to a website directly, with either a monthly charge, all you can watch... or a premium charge to watch it the week it is first posted, less charge for the first month... and free of charge after that. Throw a bunch of content around the shows to enhance things maybe... but we want the shows. We don't need SYFY. at all.

Comment Encourage this, and prosper from it (Score 1) 106

Once this goes into the public domain.... Once the music is available... Use it.

Make videos with it as the background, put it in your products, play it at your corporate events, use the hell out of it. FREE is FREE. Of course you can profit from it... as long as you add value to it. The only thing you can't do with it, is prevent other people from doing the same damn thing.

I don't understand the confusion here. Why aren't businesses doing this all the time, so they don't have to pay anyone for the rights to something that was written before my grandfathers father was born. Every new movie with a classical soundtrack should be doing this as a matter of course.

Comment I want to run a tech shop! (Score 1) 164

I'd LOVE to run a tech shop, or something very like it North of Seattle. http://lastonk.blogspot.com/2011/02/tech-shop.html Unless someone drops a few bags of money in my lap though... it will be at least five more years before I can afford to open one. In the meantime, I'm learning business management, and reading everything I can on the subject, and pinching pennies preparing for when I can do this.

Comment Re:Eben Moglen (Score 1) 126

well, if the government intent was to keep the protesters from communicating with each other and self organizing... and had goons storm the local ISP's and order them to shut down.... Ten minutes later, the protesters need to post "Head to the bridge!"

I can see something like this meaning enough people would have gotten the message to beat the goons to the bridge.

Comment Freedom Box (Score 1) 156

Eben Moglen http://lastonk.blogspot.com/2011/02/freedom-box.html is trying to make a box that makes it damn hard to track people using this sort of stuff. I'm not tech savvy enough to know if these things would help in this situation, but I strongly suspect it would.

  If nothing else... you could use them to create ad hoc darknets capable of distributing p-p without ever going through an ISP at all... I'm thinking this is the right kind of forum to find people with the skills to help Eben out.

Comment Eben Moglen (Score 3, Interesting) 126

Is trying to make software preventing this kind of thing from happening again. http://lastonk.blogspot.com/2011/02/freedom-box.html by using wall wart servers and routers.

If there was a software app that allowed handheld devises with wifi to create ad hoc networks... the people in Egypt may not have even noticed when the ISP's were shut down... they would have been able to continue talking to each other via short link wireless networks.

Comment This is more important than just the prize (Score 1) 140

Each contest is DEFINING problems, publishing their awareness of the issue, and looking for solutions. A few years of this, regardless of what the problem or prize is, will result in evolutionary improvements.

Any organization that does this in good faith is worthy of my time and effort to help.

(Unless they don't take this mandate seriously, and only post trivial problems and contests)

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