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Comment What can be done to get more women into CS? (Score 3) 155

I'm the "typical" white male in CS gradschool. My subjective view is that CS has one of the lowest number of women compared to other STEM disciplines. I'd estimate that typically there are about 5% tops in classes or at conferences. For various reasons I think that this situation is a shame for the community and society as a whole. What do you think can be done to improve this?


Comment Re:So train them. (Score 1) 97

Read the entire paper, not the summary. There are some interesting points there. One is that NSA does not have a shortage of cybersecurity experts. That's because they train them. It takes three years of full-time training. The agencies that complain that they can't find anybody aren't investing in their people in the way that NSA does. Other agencies don't invest in their people like that.

I think that's really an unfair comparison. Do other agencies have the insane funding that NSA has? The lack of accountability (and by that I mean they don't have to justify their spend as much). Also, as the article noted, the NSA is except from these pay scales.

This is typical of employer whining about not being able to get the people they want. Sure, the companies who want people with some very specific skill set, right now, often at low pay, can't find them. Organizations that are willing to train people don't have those problems.

And this goes to show that you missed the points of the report. Most federal agencies are forbidden from paying decent wages because they have to use the pay scales that the government sets.

If you want to make the point that the government pays shit, then you should phrase that differently...

Comment Re:+1 Article Troll (Score 5, Informative) 206

While the article may not have very diplomatic wording, the essence is true: I installed Linux Mint about a year ago, and liked it. But I had to switch to a different distribution after a couple of months because there were virtually NO updates coming in at all. I'd say that Ubuntu updates like crazy, but no updates at all in several months makes it very likely that they just don't have enough manpower to provide such a service. And that does make your distribution vulnerable. My experience may be outdated, but I'd bet it's still the same given this article...

Comment No Mantle for Xbox/PS (Score 1) 212

> AMD/ATI also has introduced MANTLE Api for lower level access than DirectX which is cross platform. This may turn into a very important API as AMD/ATI have their GPUs in the next generation Sony and Xbox consoles as well with a large marketshare for game developers to target

I read somewhere that that's unfortunately not true; Mantle will not be available for the new Xbox or Playstation. My speculation is that Microsoft and Sony don't actually want to be THAT compatible as it would make porting too easy...

Comment Re:Oh really? (Score 2, Interesting) 211

And I still see less then 1 per month in my Inbox.
_THIS_ is the price I am willing to pay to allow Google to filter my email.

I do agree that gmail's spam filter does not let much through, in truth, it is way too aggressive. Are you subscribed to mailing lists? Often it'll just tag some random message as spam. I've had various things end up in spam over the years, and really wonder how many landed in there that I never noticed (who checks their spam folder every couple of days?).

Recently I got very upset because I tried to sell something on craigslist, and sure enough, an offer ended up in spam. Of course I didn't check until a couple of days later, and by then the person wasn't interested any more. Since I'm going to start job hunting soon, I can't really afford the uncertainty the gmail spam filter introduces, and plan on moving my email elsewhere.

Comment What languages? (Score 2, Informative) 1359

Oh come on, if you're asking about this issue seriously, how can you omit what languages you speak?

If you only speak English, then your options are obviously limited, the English speaking countries are quickly enumerated.

Or, if you are willing to learn a language, then that is an important piece of the puzzle, isn't it?

Comment Re:Svn (Score 1) 421

If i'd elaborated, i wouldn't have made first post!


So in summary, it's one of these stupid "first post" first posts because your elaboration clearly shows that you are not answering the question - which was about home directories and not about code / websites. Managing those is clearly different....

Comment Get an adapter??? (Score 1) 12

I'm not exactly sure why the larger platter size doesn't entice manufacturers to make 5.25" hdds anymore, but running out of 3.5" slots in your case certainly should not be holding you back. Get a mounting adapter! It's cheap and easy and lets you put a 3.5" hdd into a 5.25" slot in the case...


Submission + - Intel to design PlayStation 4 GPU (

JagsLive writes: Intel will design PlayStation 4 GPU :

FOR THE NEXT next generation of consoles, PS4, XBox3 and Wii2, it looks like Intel is in, Nvidia is out. The picture for their GPUs is starting to become clear.

Some people hanging around the Sony booth at CES were nice enough to let us in on the scoop. It seems Nvidia has proverbially bent Sony over like they did MS on the XBox, and are not really welcome there any more. Couldn't happen to a nicer bunch of guys, either way, but hardly an unexpected outcome.

The nice Sony engineering lady at CES told us that Intel essentially bought the win, a theoretically good architecture, no imminent threats of going bust, and not being hated by Sony all contributed too. With a couple of deliverables satisfied, the PS4 GPU belongs to Intel. No word if this is going to be the entire architecture, CPU as well, or not. That, from what we are told, is not final yet.

Moving on to the the XBox3 GPU, also due in 2012, we hear strong rumors (but have not confirmed yet) that it is an ATI design. Given the close ties between ATI and MS over DirectX, the bad blood between Nvidia and MS over the grand Nvidia DX10 neutering, plus memories of the XBox1, this is not a surprise either. The bed was made for short-term profits years ago, time to lie in it. :

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