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Comment Re:No logical benefit from this (Score 1) 55

Thank you very much for the reference and insight.

I was quite curious how they could gotten the spinal cord into an artificial vertebra. I guess they could make it in two pieces and then combine the two pieces in place (screws?). I'm guessing that severing and reattaching the spinal cord itself isn't very feasible.

Comment Re:Here comes a Karma hit.... (Score 1) 107

My dad had a couple of books: "More Basic Computer Games" which is now 1 cent on amazon; and I cant find the name of the other one but I'm pretty sure it was just "Programming Basic". Around the age of 7 I started by transcribing some games, play them, mod them, learn fundamentals of variables and flow control. With nibbles and gorrilas on QBasic I started learning about subroutines. By the time I was 15 I had VB under control so I moved to Delphi which meant learning Pascal, learning about data types and pointers. It wasn't until I was 18 that I learned C, C++ and Java, and started with OOP but by then I had such a solid foundation that the language was mostly irrelvant. Now I spend most of my time in ksh, awk, & perl but that's because I'm Backup & Recovery Admin for a large telco.

My suggestion: your daughter will have a hunger that will drive her to accomplish certain programming goals - try to feed that hunger and let her guide you. My parents never laid anything out in front of me, they just helped me find the resources I needed to cross whatever hurdle I found myself in front of.

Comment Golf (Score 1) 299

I need to pitch the ever-on-call-but-never-working idea to my boss. If I did, I'd golf 10 months of the year and snowboard the rest. Stay outdoors.
Take up kayaking, rock climbing, bicycling.

volunteer with the fire dept, coast guard, search & rescue - they always need daytime callout people.

Comment Re:Military-Industrial Complex makes the world wor (Score 1) 405

The Canadian tradition is to celebrate Remembrance Day or Armistice Day on Nov 11th, 11th hour, 11th day, 11th month. The ceremonies are largely for veterans, and the intent is to Remember those we've lost. This event is run in every community across the country and is coordinated with Royal Canadian Legion, the Canadian Forces and all levels of civilian government. This isn't even a federated holiday, some provinces and territories do declare it a civic holiday, but that doesn't apply to everyone.

We have additional days for veterans and specific events, but none of them reach the total population the way Remembrance Day does.

Comment I'm uncluding un-migrating... (Score 1) 413

I'm on windows right now, which means that in a 1-1 situation, I've gone back to windows at least as many times as I've gone somewhere else.

it's got the widest range of device and application support and is the most ubiqutous when interfacing with other people. It's not my preference, hence the many attempts at migration away - but the fact that I'm still on it say something.

Comment Get Involved (Score 1) 238

Policies and Procedures exist for a reason. I support this and will always try to work within 'the system', whatever that may be. If you find 'the system' isn't working. Take the steps necessary to improve it, and carry on. Wash rinse repeat.

To that end, my recommendation is to have the doctors get involved. Absolutely, beef up their security, have good intrusion detection, prevention and reporting. Get security to advise the doctors ahead of time about the planned 'attack', and report back the findings. Be the blue team defending, let them be the red team. Make sure you've done your job right.

I would consider this to be no different than regularly restoring your backup data. You do that right?

Comment Re:Business Solution - Not Tech Solution (Score 1) 209

Well then the option should be explored to know what its outcome will be. Sure if "the nice government" says no, then no is the answer. But, and here's where an imagination comes in, what if they are swayed by logical arguments and understand that it could be beneficial to reuse resources that would otherwise have to be destroyed. New contracts can cause amendments to old contracts really easily.

I don't understand why you are discouraging the OP from exploring this option, and I don't really care either. You use terms like "was probably". Depending on the amount of effort it would take to find a definitive answer, it is normally worth while to turn that "was probably" into a known fact. Then action can be taken based on those facts.

Comment Business Solution - Not Tech Solution (Score 1) 209

The business solution is the have the original contract revised to not force you to destroy something you want to keep. You get the next contract, get them to keep the parts to save time, money, efforts, energy. If it works then your employer will see you as a multi-faceted resource with solutions from more than one discipline. If nobody agrees then stop working for someone who makes stupid decisions.

That's how I operate and I've never been fired, been promoted 4-5 times though.

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