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Comment Re:Be paranoid and careful (Score 1) 463

So, once you take a snapshot using Time Machine, you never bring it up again? Do you also write-protect your older Time Machine files? If not, it just has to wait till the next time you connect your Time Machine to your Mac.

That's really a difficult concept for you?

Comment Re:MicroSD card? (Score 1) 325

It was badly worded but it's pretty obvious that the GP was referring to the well known and documented phenomenon of iOS upgrades causing devices to slow down. You can of course not upgrade, but the real issue is why the OS gets slower over time.

And of course there are the battery issues too. I know three people personally who have had an iPhone with a battery that would last them for a week or more with low usage, but they made the mistake of upgrading the OS. Suddenly they had to recharge their phone multiple times per day.

Battery issues are there at the beginning because the battery usage profile data is wiped, and iOS needs to relearn your usage patterns. After a few charge cycles, it typically goes back to about the same.

Comment Re:MicroSD card? (Score 1) 325

But since I have all my data on a real sdcard, nothing of importance was lost. That's an option I didn't have on my Nexus 4, which thankfully failed only partially so I was able to get what little data I hadn't backed up off of the device, and it's an option you don't have on iOS devices.

iTunes backup grabs your data off your phone. If you really want to muck with it, you can get something like iExplorer as well. So, not sure what you mean by "an option you don't have on iOS devices."

Comment Re:MicroSD card? (Score 1) 325

New features = new code = more cpu cycles.

How do you claim Android, Win7/8 and Linux perform this magic to reduce cpu cycles for new features?

Caveat, I've used Linux from 1995, and it goes up, it goes down, but generally the cpu requirement goes up. And the old saying was what Intel giveth, Gates taketh away, so you're wrong on Windows in general. In terms of Win7, it was generally recognized that Vista's cpu requirements were too high, and was only really met by the hardware (Moore's law) that was generally available when Win 7 came out. So you appear to be wrong there too.

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