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Comment Re:Medicalizing Normality (Score 1) 558

Einstein, Newton, and Tesla were all autistic.

Yes a good bit of your entire modern world and all you take for granted was created by us.

But never mind the scientific savants of autism, we can excel in a plethora of ways and just because we're socially inept doesn't mean we're hopeless. I have had tons of success socially no thanks in part due to relentless struggle on my part to learn the ins and outs of the social dance. I'm even what you would call charismatic.

Don't get me wrong, I loathe being around people with a passion, but I can do it.

Comment Re:sounds implausible to me (Score 1) 144

Someone didn't read the study.

Our brain does have natural defenses against sleep deprivation. A single all-nighter would produce no brain damage because of a specific protein the brain creates to protect it from damage. Repeated sleep deprivation (aka chronic sleep deprivation) leads to brain damage because this protection mechanism stops functioning.

Comment Re:Tired... (Score 2) 860

Windows 7 was just a service pack for Vista. The renaming was a PR move to move away from the stigma.

Give them enough time and they'll iron out all of the flaws. Of course the Metro interface was inherently flawed from the beginning, but I think they've learned their lesson and supposedly Windows 8.2 which may be named Windows 9 is their solution to this whole mess.

But the GP does have a point, I see people still complaining about features of Windows 8 that were fixed in 8.1.

Comment Well You Know... (Score 5, Interesting) 533

What management actually means by, "We want people who are passionate!" means that they live in a fantasy world where truly passionate people will come work for them for meager pay, lousy benefits, and an average work environment. It's the ultimate delusion of entitlement. Because why should talented people settle for them?

There is good management. But most of the time you see poor management who blame their own inadequate and incompetent leadership abilities on their employees. Many seem to look at subordinates as nothing more than a monkey there to churn out code -- like it's such an inconvenience that they have to deal with actual humans who have like, squishy innards that need nourishment and rest.

Add it to the list...
"Fast paced work environment!" We're understaffed.
"Opportunity for advancement." We have a high turnover rate.
"Flexible hours!" You'll never be able to predict the next week's schedule.

Comment Re:Exciting (Score 2) 96

It's not the future.

I know because I actively participated in Starcraft mod/map making for over a decade.

Blizzard is hoping to pull another DotA on the custom designers. That is, steal our work and try to monetize it if the opportunity arises. They wanted to generate a lot of fun custom map stuff for SC2, but with a map distribution system that's bordering on complete useless, an editor that varies from feeling like programming with a fisherprice keyboard to feeling like using a keyboard to play on a fisherprice computer (seriously, there is no cow button on my daskeyboard), and no documentation to be found anywhere.

I dare say MOAR TOOLZ isn't exactly the answer here. Back in SC1 we managed pretty well without tools. We made our own and even managed to force Blizzard to patch the game because we figured out how to create executable programs in their maps.

I still do SC1 stuff, and until Blizzard really offers something substantial for SC2 mappers (not some stupid map payment system), the majority of the most brilliant designers aren't going to be doing anything for them.

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