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Comment Re:on behalf of america (Score 1) 625

I think its pretty interesting that you called out hair. Me, personally? I have blue and spikey hair :D And lots of tattoos (full sleeves). I'm *also* probably the single most productive and reliable person at my work (but I'm skinny! haha). I'm also in my 30s. (I used to be a defense contractor - worked for companies like Lockheed Martin - now I'm in Silicon Valley)

So really, what I'm getting at is that you shouldnt judge people based on their appearance. Ignoring the fact that it is discrimination, you're really just shooting yourself in the foot.

Comment Re:Won what race? (Score 1) 258

unless you *love* engine noise and gear changes, that is

but I am just into that. there are few sounds that I enjoy more than that of a big V8 or V12 engine

That said, if you arent into that, I can totally see the appeal of the quiet of the leaf (though I cant get past the looks.. sorry, but that is one ugly ugly car)

Comment As a big comixology user, this *sucks* (Score 5, Interesting) 244

Honestly, one of the great things about comixology was being able to quickly buy/download the next comic in the series when I was binge-reading. I have *hundreds* of comics through them, but I'm not sure if I will be buying any more with this new system. The kindle thing was enough of a pain, but at least a book takes a little longer to read.

I think they've shot themselves in teh foot on this one.

Comment Re:Efficiency. (Score 1) 937

you're not wrong, but I just want to throw out there (because this gets ignored a lot) that it depends largely on the car in question.

For the *vast* majority of cars, you are 100% entirely correct.

However I have owned several cars (usually of the performance variety) that actually get their peak MPG around 75-80mph - I had a Corvette, rated for under 30mpg highway, that could cruise at 75mph and get 35mpg, as an example.


Disney Pulls a Reverse Santa, Takes Back Christmas Shows From Amazon Customers 418

Sockatume writes "Since 2011, Amazon Instant Video has sold a series of Christmas shorts from Disney called 'Prep and Landing'. Unfortunately this holiday season, Disney has had a change of heart and has decided to make the shorts exclusive to its own channels. The company went so far as to retroactively withdrawn the shows from Amazon, so that customers who have already paid for them no longer have access. Apparently this reverse-Santa ability is a feature Amazon provides all publishers, and customers have little recourse but to go cap-in-hand to a Disney outlet and pay for the shows again."

Comment hearthstone is *addictive* (Score 4, Informative) 131

I'm a pretty hardcore RTS gamer (StarCraft II) but holy cow HearthStone is so fun that I've mostly abandoned SC2 in favor of racking up time there instead.

I definitely want the iOS release to hurry up so I can play on my iPad.

The thing that is surprising is, even with only a handful of emotes for communication, people still find ways to BM you :D But seriously, this is a REALLY REALLY fun game, and is going to make Blizzard some ungodly sum of money.

Comment Re:Bring on the wearable interfaces. (Score 1) 453

Dude, I used to work for a defense contractor. I can daydream like nobody else.

Thankfully, my current employer is vastly better, and I almost never have to deal with useless meetings anymore. But oh man, back in the day? They were *awful*

My bad attitude at work... got me an incredible job offer from an amazing company who actually respects me. :D

Comment Re:Bring on the wearable interfaces. (Score 3, Insightful) 453

I'm sorry, but that is largely a load of crap.

I have had to attend a great many meetings in my day that were entirely irrelevant to me, my job, etc. There was no reason for me to be there, other than the fact that a manager wanted me to physically be there.

Now, you can argue that I should not have to attend useless meetings, but the older generation is stuck on them and so we have little choice. That is not to say that no meetings have merit, of course.

Being able to sit quietly in an irrelevant meeting isn't actually a particularly useful skill in the rest of life, so I can hardly blame anyone for wanting something to do or some other distraction during them.

You may consider it impolite or disrespectful. I consider it disrespectful to make me waste an hour of my time because you feel the need to show your self-importance by calling unnecessary meetings and forcing people who have no need to go to them to be there.

The Media

Science Magazine "Sting Operation" Catches Predatory Journals In the Act 194

sciencehabit writes "A sting operation orchestrated by Science's contributing news correspondent John Bohannon exposes the dark side of open-access publishing. Bohannon created a spoof scientific report, authored by made-up researchers from institutions that don't actually exist, and submitted it to 304 peer-reviewed, open-access journals around the world. His hoax paper claimed that a particular molecule slowed the growth of cancer cells, and it was riddled with obvious errors and contradictions. Unfortunately, despite the paper's flaws, more open-access journals accepted it for publication (157) than rejected it (98). In fact, only 36 of the journals solicited responded with substantive comments that recognized the report's scientific problems. The article reveals a 'Wild West' landscape that's emerging in academic publishing, where journals and their editorial staffs aren't necessarily who or what they claim to be."

Comment Re:Ahh yes the old fanboy standby (Score 1) 369

I hope I missed something here!

you arent the only one!
I'm a 30 year old married gamer, with a good job (I work for a reasonably prestigious silicon valley company).

I game a *lot* on my PC. StarCraft II mostly, but I play a lot of Diablo 3 and WoW as well.

So I've got to assume the GP is insane or joking or something. Either that or he's a troll.

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