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Comment Re:(((War Against Boys))) + Hypergamy/Neo-Polygamy (Score 1) 307

What about Trump in 2020? Flush him down the toilet like the turd he is? Watch him do the perp-walk wearing shackles and an orange jumpsuit that matches his spray-on "tan"? Laugh at him until he cries like the child he is? Or my favorite, just forget all about him and never hear or see him again...

I'm afraid he'll be like Lee Iacocca back in the 80s when he convinced the feds to bail out chrysler. Suddenly he was an expert on everything and every magazine, news/talk show, and cereal box had him or his likeness on it. Trump will be that sort of loser, whose face and nonsensical opinions will be raining down on us like so much verbal diarrhea until he finally dies of a blocked colon, a shriveled up heart, or an abscessed retrograde ejacualtion.

Comment Re:I can't recall this in the past (Score 1) 133

Does that list include separating children from their parents at the border? Does it include getting Mexico to pay for a border wall? Does it include spending >$100M of taxpayer money playing golf at his own resorts? How about flying military personnel to Scotland to have taxpayers pay him for putting them up in his golf resort? Does it include the profits from the hotel in DC that he has illegally leased from the US government? Does it include the IGs he or his subordinates have fired to allow gifting government contracts to GOP donors? Does it include trying to extort help from Ukraine with the next election? Does it include squandering US esteem in the rest of the world to repay Putin for his kindness in the last election? Does it include trashing treaties and alliances that have helped keep the world relatively stable since WWII? Does it include the trade wars he has started that have cost Americans billions and bankrupted thousands of farms and businesses?

Comment Re:xkcd (Score 1) 338

You actually think that gerrymandering is based on what people say to pollsters? Come on, man, this is the 21st century. They can figure out how you are likely to vote based on your race, your gender, the movies you stream on Netflix, the kind of car you drive, the groceries you buy, where you work, the kind of work you do, etc., and they can figure it out very accurately. Polls are not needed. You speak volumes with your credit card and your browser history every day.

That's the whole point of mining all that data. Forget about targeted advertising- that's kid stuff. The animals that run the tech companies want to own you outright, and they will eventually.

Comment Re:Not just e-bikes (Score 1) 137

If someone can't figure out how to assemble a Walmart bike, they probably can't figure out how to ride it either. It's just as well. Walmart bikes are poorly made, uncomfortable, and unreliable. If you're not bright enough to assemble it, you definitely aren't bright enough to maintain and repair it. You'd better stick to walking or riding a bus.

If you watch Craig's list, you can probably buy a 10 year old Cannondale for the price of a new Walmart bike. I'd take a 10 year old Cannondale over any brand new Walmart bike. That still leaves you with the maintenance and repair problem...

Comment Re:"Plans" (Score 1) 53

No one wants a small, fuel efficient, or electric pickup. Pickup drivers want big, and the front end should be designed to look like a freight train so that when they return to their truck, laboriously backed into a parking space, they will see the giant grille and think to themselves "boy, the man who drives that thing must be very important and have a very big dick!", and then "oh wait, that's me! I must have a big dick!".

Comment Re:Why so racist? (Score 1) 254

In the US (all states?) when a crime is committed that results in a death, all participants in the crime are charged in the death. The other 3 cops participated in the crime by failing to stop it, even though it was in their power to do so. You could argue that the people on the street filming the crime also participated, but they were not in a position to stop it (police were already on the scene and were perpetrating the crime), so they were not participants. Pointing the cameras at the police was, in fact, an effort to prevent the crime, and the police were too stupid to stop committing it even though they knew it was being recorded. The people who recorded the crime did so at extreme risk to their own lives.

In the Ahmaud Arbery murder, the guy who recorded the crime was a participant because he knew in advance that he was going to be recording a crime and participated at the request of the other two. He did nothing to prevent the crime though he was in a position to do so (he could have called the policce and refused to participate).

Comment Re: Bias against conservative voices? (Score 5, Insightful) 237

I don't need Glenn Greenwald or WaPo or anyone else to tell me about Trump's lies. I use my own brain. I see them everyday on TV coming directly from Trump's fish-mouth (how does he do that?). He frequently says things and then, within a day or two (or sometimes a week or a month), says that he never said what he said in spite of there being video and millions of witnesses to him saying it. He claims global warming or climate change is a hoax invented by the Chinese, he claims Obama wasn't born in the US, he claims millions of undocumented aliens voted in the last presidential election. Those are just three of thousands of easily verifiable lies.

Maybe now you're gonna tell me it's all AI-generated deep-fakes and Trump never said any of those things.

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