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Comment Re:No customer notification (Score 1) 495

Even if you were using one or some of the affected domains still this is the type of service where most customers just won't notice any problem, even if they would be technically counted in the millions from TFA.

Such notification has less operational importance and more PR/image. They might send one eventually, once dust settles.

PLUS ... they might be having issues with the emails as well! They say now for me:

Alert: Email communications to your email address on file recently bounced. Please update your email address on file.

Comment Caught in the digit (2/2.5/3/3.5/4G race much? (Score 0) 259

Frankly for a PHONE I don't think it matters AT ALL if is LTE/4G or whatever 3G HSDPA 7/14/42 Mb/s flavor of the day present in even 99 euro phones.
For a laptop yes, that's another story; assuming you can find a provider where you don't eat all your traffic in 20 minutes at your great "full speed" yes, that might be worth thinking about which dongle is faster and what band it supports and so on. And it might not cost more than 15 euros/pounds/dollars anyway if bought locally with a sim card.

Comment Re:You say tomato? (Score 1) 236

Is not like we run out of reliable DDNS services (at least yet); no-ip.com has been around since late 90's (still using my hotmail email with it...). The only nag is if your ip doesn't change for 30 days (or you just don't use the client at all) then you need to do a manual update but otherwise if your IP changes regularly you don't need to log in or do anything (I assume you could program another instance of the client to shortly change your IP to something else and then put it back if you had a dynamic IP that somehow is still fixed for more than 30 days).

Comment Re:MathML is Retarding (Score 3, Insightful) 84

While MathML can be used to describe stuff related directly to computation (like for example 1+2+3+...+n written with the big sigma symbol) more often is used for things that aren't computations and don't have a program equivalent (or at least not a useful one).

Try to use a program to communicate some abstract theorem you just discovered.

Comment Good luck with that! (Score 1, Interesting) 135

I was saying the same about IMSIs earlier ... we can't agree on what's the decimal separator, if today is 12/10 or 10/12, user1@gmail.com can't chat to user2@yahoo.com but somehow we'll get a reasonable percentage of the owners AND buyers to register in some specific database. Good luck with that.

Not only that but it also assumes you can't tamper with the serial and doesn't address what happens if somebody starts to spam the DB.

Comment Re:Makes sense (Score 1) 665

Some of my friends knew quite well some particular Spectrum Z80 clone that had an (albeit recessed) reset button on the keyboard (well, the computer was inside the keyboard so to speak).

Somewhere around windows 95 and all ping of death variations (valid for NT3-4 as well) we used to regret the lack of such key on PC keyboards. We were actually discussing how to include such key somewhere on the keyboard as cleanly as possible.

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