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Comment Re:Michio Kaku is a glorified chatbot (Score 0) 216

Even when they're wrong, with some prodding they are often helpful.

Which means, right now, the "I" part is still at your end of the keyboard.

We're in pre-alpha testing of LLMs. Within a few years, I expect LLMs to be more accurate than humans.

Maybe so, but by then the hype will have dissipated, and it'll be being used in sensible fields, not just being crammed into anything that someone can con people into funding.

Comment Re: Too late (Score 1) 117

Not if you're a "bug-for-bug compatible" distribution (Alma, Rocky, etc), it isn't. They use the sources that are now effectively unavailable to build from as the new licencing tems prevent redistribution.

Furthermore - even though both Fedora and CentOS feed into RHEL, the sources for the individual distributions *won't* be identical at any given point in time - meaning you get statements from the likes of Alma, Rocky, etc explaining their current position:

"In the immediate term, our plan is to pull from CentOS Stream updates and Oracle Linux updates to ensure security patches continue to be released. These updates will be carefully curated to ensure they are 1:1 compatible with RHEL, while not violating Red Hat’s licensing"
"we are committed to remaining a downstream RHEL clone, and using CentOS Stream sources would make us upstream of RHEL. CentOS Stream sources, while being upstream of RHEL, do not always include all patches and updates that are included in RHEL packages"

"Red Hat’s decision to limit the distribution of their sources has created a minor inconvenience for the Rocky Linux team"

which I would say disguises the panic behind the scenes while they try to find a (legal) way to replicate RHEL as they have done in the past.

Comment Re: Why a new distro? (Score 1) 37

Depends on your definition of "disappear" I guess - given "Its goal is to ensure Linux Mint can continue to deliver the same user experience if Ubuntu was ever to disappear." - if Ubuntu goes wholly Snap-based (or significantly enough to affect the ability to build Mint at all) then does that count?

Comment Re:Non-issue (Score 1) 92

My last/only Samsung (a S3 mini) was obsolete within 6 months of being purchased (a couple of months after it was released), so never going there again...

It did soldier on for a while thanks to Cyanogenmod et al, but even they gave up on it after a couple of years (probably should never have bought it to be honest)

Comment Re:Bullying? (Score 1) 46

The last time a party got 50% of the vote was the Conservatives in 1935 with 53.3% (and before that, 60.7% in 1931).

Labour have never got 50% - their "best" result was 48.8% in 1951, but they still lost the election on seat count to the Conservatives (who got fewer votes with 48.0%).

Source: https://commonslibrary.parliam...

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