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Comment Re:smart traffic lights (Score 1) 93

That would only work in one direction, and it assumes all the streets are clear and there is no discernable traffic. As soon as you add 1 idiot looking at their phone while driving going 15 mph under the limit to make sure they are going slower than the car in front of them it all breaks down. I just wish they could add proximity sensors in the lights, rather than in a magnetic loop under the light which are expensive to install and maintain. There is no reason for a light to stay red for 2 minutes at midnight on a rural road when there is zero traffic.

Comment Re:Brought to you by (Score 1) 106

Preach. In the 90's our computer porn was 256 colors and 640x480. I still had tons of it. I knew how to use uudecode at like 15. Not to mention the giant stash of older girlie mags that the neighborhood kids had collected. There is literally nothing new under the sun. Only new ways to do it.

Comment Re:Funding Community needs (Score 4, Insightful) 26

I always liken it to someone peeing in the pool and expecting that it will stay in that corner. Even if 100% of lottery money goes to education, it doesn't mean education gets more. It just means the money that used to be spent on education gets put in the general fund instead.

Comment Re:Good news (Score 5, Informative) 363

Yes. The pain part of suffocation comes from the urge to breathe caused by a buildup of carbon dioxide. By using nitrogen to displace the oxygen, you never feel the urge to breathe other than normal. Yo just slowly fade away as your brain loses consciousness, then ceases to function. Of all the ways you can die, this is definitely the way I would prefer. You just go to sleep forever.

Comment Re:The real question is how many ACAT's (Score 1) 60

I've been using RH or a year and a half just for play-investing. TD Ameritrade is where my Roth is held. I am now moving everything over to TDA after the GME debacle. Robinhood dropped the ball too royally on this one, and I'm not even part of the GME party. I just don't like the fact that they arbitrarily turned off buying of GME but not selling. Like what the actual fuck? Then to come back with a super lame PR excuse, when the real reason was really likely that they were about to run afoul of not having enough capital to ensure all the options that they had extended.

Add to that that they stopped allowing fractional shares for a couple of the stocks that I DO buy weekly and I no longer have a reason to invest with them.

TDA and Fidelity never enabled these restrictions.

Comment Re: Summary contradicts title (Score 1) 126

From what I have read, They gave the vaccination to many older (higher paid) employees that were still working from home. There was ZERO reason for them to be vaccinated other than the fact that the hospital values them more, which is a fucked up metric for human life.

Doctors as a rule deal with patients one on one far less than the nursing staff, but I guess nurses are expendable. The vaccination schedule should always be for the most likely to come into contact with the pathogen. You don't give the life vest just to people that can't swim. You give the life vest to everyone getting on the boat.

Comment Re:Twenty miles? HOW??? (Score 1) 59

From Point A in Kenner to Point B in Metairie can be farther than the distance from the center of Kenner to the center of Metairie. I drive from Kenner to Metairie every day, and since I can't jump onto the interstate from my house, It's a 13 mile drive via I-10 or an 8 mile drive down West Esplanade. (30 minutes either way) That is not taking into account the fact that I can use all the "No truck Route" routes that the automated truck cannot. Plus, with all the construction on W. Esplanade by the mall for the next 4 effing years, they would be wise to go around.

Comment Re:Turd pusher (Score 1) 136

There is also a dual flush with a greedy cup (Pythagoras cup) siphon that does half flushes if you pull and hold the handle. If you pull the handle and drop it it gives a full flush. It's how European toilets work.

In the US, we tend to use a flapper at the bottom drain. It still leaks, but when it does, it's less of a dribble and more of a every 15 minutes your toilet is filling itself again thing. The flapper leak is easy to hear and fix. The greedy cup siphon will be completely silent as it wastes water.

See the following link if you are American and don't know what kind of siphon they are talking about.

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