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Comment Re:Mapping the Nematode? (Score 1) 44

You're not "back to square one", you've just done 99.9% of the job of killing the cancer, pretty much any other anti-cancer method will finish the job for you.

It's possible that at some point before a tumor developed there were 99.9% of cells that should have killed themselves actually doing so. The .1% multiplied into a tumor because there was nothing stopping it. The guy that replied to you was making the point that nature has already created multiple (I think 7 or so) mechanisms to get cells to kill themselves and eventually they all fail one by one due to mutation. Your expensive "inject every cell nucleus" method might fail just the same.

That's not to say it isn't worth pursuing. It could be very effective, but just remember all the other ways nature has already tried to do what you're doing before you get too excited

Comment Re:Just Tack on a Fee (Score 1) 626

Instead of employing people as patrol cops, they can instead work as artists or scientists or something that makes the world better instead of being a necessary evil.

My neighbors and I are willing to pay a decent amount to keep bad drivers in line. Who will pay for the new art that's created by these would-be cops?

Comment Re:The Real Breakthrough - non auto-maker Maps (Score 1) 194

all of the screens that will be mandated in cars soon because of the back-up cameras...

Yeah I never really understood this. I'm too lazy to look up statistics for people killed from cars backing up, but it can't be higher than those killed from "inattentive driving". What they really need to mandate is fucking bluetooth speakerphones. It would be a lot cheaper than a screen and save more lives.

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