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Comment Re:Neglected the Rule of Cool (Score 4, Informative) 90

The only SciFi franchise I'm familiar with that has sensibly designed ships is the Honor Harrington series by David Weber.

That is because Honor Harrington IS 17th to 19th century naval warfare dressed up as sci-fi. You can also see exactly the same thing going on in his Safehold series, where he is basically retelling the history of warfare as a backdrop to the story.

Comment Re:Ungreatful Cunt (Score 1) 214

I would do a lot harder work than just fucking voice-over for $14M for just two years.

It really pisses me off when I hear about people who turn down so much for doing so fucking little

So you are saying that rather than being able to make a choice, he should of been forced to dance like a monkey for you or other peoples benefit?

Comment Re:Navy? Warships? (Score 0) 101

I guess many /.ers like yourself only care about the hyped property,

Slow down skippy, you'r projecting there.

but I want to know what the other properties of this material are and I assume many others do to. Why write an article and leave out so much potentially interesting information? Laziness, lack of thoroughness?

While the first FA looked like a frat boy wannabe reporter, the second FA was a link to the published paper about the material properties of this foam. And if that isn't enough of you then there is always google - or a materials science degree at a reputable school.

Comment Re:Navy? Warships? (Score 4, Insightful) 101

ANd what are its other durability properties, like brittleness/flexibility/fracture toughness? . Ability to withstand piercing? Just because it can withstand tensile or compressive stress doesn't make it a good solution for ships.

Given that TFA says that the Navy is using this foam for the deck of the USS Zumwalt, I'm betting that they have already thought up and answered more questions that the average slashdotter could have envisaged - and that they are happy with all of the answers.

Comment Secret ICBM base (Score 4, Funny) 57

This is not a spaceport.

It is actually a secret ICBM (Intra Continental Ballistic Missile) base that is being built to defend Texas* from the likes of the Jade Helm 15 plans**.

* Although if Texas has Chuck Norris, why would they need a secret ICBM base for defense?

** Jade Helm 15*** being the plans that were dictated to the chief KIO (Kenyan-In-Office), by the UN in order to suppress opposition when the veil is finally lifted off the global climate change deception. And I am pretty sure that the Illuminati dictated those plans to the UN.)

*** 15 in base 23**** is 28 in decimal and Texas was the 28th state - so Iowa better watch out for Jade Helm 16!

**** 2+3=5 and there are 5 permanent members in the UN security council.

Comment Re:Missing Option (Score 2, Informative) 164

This poll scared the shit out of me making me think Mother's day was today or very recently and I'd forgotten. Screw you /.

Uuhhh? As far as I know in the US it was yesterday.

Which shows that you don't realize that mothers day is celebrated on different dates in different countries. (and screw any ideas that /. is not internationally read)

Mothers day dates by country

Comment Re:Wasn't there an Apache helicopter simulator... (Score 2) 83

I'm not sure why a simulator would ever want to bash people that hard. You'd think it'd be almost more jarring to have the simulation just stop completely -- lights go on, screen dark.

Sometimes the bashing part IS the reason for the simulation HUET Train to Survive (although in this case there is no actually bashing .. but you get the idea)

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