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Submission + - Argentina put it ArSat-1 Setellite in orbit

ArielOjosVerdes writes: On October 16th, The ArSat-1 satellite was launched from French Guaiana aboard an Ariane 5 rocket This satellite is part of a long-term plan of the Argentine authorities to develop space technologies locally, including satellite building, testing and ground mission control facilities. This NASA story has a comprehensive account of the history and technical details of the project

Comment The best I have seen so far was on Sci Fi channel (Score 1) 82

The Robot Combat League was fairly interesting given the limitations of the machinery that they are using.

The technology of Robot Smack Downs would have to surpass that of the Robot Combat League by a pretty large margin before it became half decent, and I don't see that happening any time soon.

Comment Obvious solution (Score 0) 407

FEMA Camps!

The private prisons have been in collusion with the government over this one:

1. Get lots of ant-drug laws passed
2. Increase number of prisoners
3. Build private jails (Profit #1)
4. Reduce drug laws to free up space
5. Admit to being a police state
6. Round up undesirables
7. Put them in FEMA camps
6. Ask for more money in this current emergency (Profit #2)

Comment Re:Maybe a Mini (Score 2) 355

I've been thinking about giving the OSX another try... I've been messing around with it at work.

The mini wouldn't be a bad way to go... it's not that expensive and I can still use my 27" monitor.

Aside from the Mac Pro, the Mini was the only Mac that you could easily change the hard drive and memory yourself. I just had a quick look at the specs of the new mini and I can't tell if you can still do that.

I'm worried that the mini may go the way of the iMacs and head into being a totally sealed/pre-configured device and have no user changeable parts.

Comment Re:Population Density centers (Score 1) 346

While politics and profit, lack of competition all are major factors in our crappy broadband options, we have to keep in mind that the US is vastly greater, and far more spread out then many countries we are being compared against..

Then how come places like NYC don't have internet connections on a par with those in Japan with lower population densities?

Sure you can argue population density in the rural areas, but that does't account for the lack of service in the populous areas.

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