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Comment IQ != Intelligence (Score 2) 541

I see so many posts here using IQ and intelligence as if they were interchangeable synonyms. They are not.

IQ tests have no basis in science. IQ tests have never been benchmarked against anything except earlier IQ tests.

IQ tests cannot be proven to exclude cultural bias.

IQ tests cannot be said to measure intelligence in any precise way, unless you define intelligence as the ability to do IQ tests.

If you demonstrate that different races perform differently in IQ tests, you haven't proven anything about race and intelligence. You have only proven something about race an IQ tests.

Comment The software industry not the security industry (Score 1) 205

The title (of both the slashdot post and the original article) is misleading.

The article cites one Eugene Spatford who observes that, "software makers churn out products riddled with vulnerabilities." That's not the security industry's fault.

He goes on to tell us that law enforcement is inadequately equipped and that criminals protect themselves by bribing government officials. That's not the security industry's fault either.

Of the tools the security industry does use regularly he says that, "We’re using all these tools on a regular basis because the underlying software isn’t trustworthy." Again that's not the security industry at fault.

And the solution?

"... an investment in computer programming education and a major move by software manufacturers to embed software security concepts early into the development process."

Sounds reasonable to me. Also sounds like a task for the software development community generally, NOT just those specialising in security.

Comment There's nothing wrong with Perl ... (Score 4, Interesting) 283

... it's just the way people use it.

Perl was designed as a powerful, flexible, loosely typed scripting language for munging text files and streams, and that's exactly what it is.

It's great for those scripts that you write for a particular task and never use again after the few days it was necessary. It's also good for writing glue code on occasion, to tie the inputs and outputs of other applications together, and when shell scripting just won't quite cut it.

The trouble was that it was such a useful scripting language people started writing applications in it. Then they had to jump on the object-oriented bandwagon, which was done clumsily. Sort of like gluing a dog to your horse so it can fetch. And yes, it can be difficult to read, but it doesn't have to be.

Use Perl for the tasks it was originally designed for. If you're going to write real applications, use a more appropriate language. Don't kick your dog because he can't sing.

Comment Re:Lipstick on a Pig (Score 2) 135

What's surprising is that the same people who look down their noses at Wikipedia probably believe that the Encyclopedia Britannica was an accurate source of unbiased information.

There have been serious studies of the reliability of wikipedia as a reference compared with the Encyclopedia Britannica at least.

Although I am aware of irony of Wikipedia as a reference for the reliability of Wikipedia...

Comment Re:Shut up and take my money (Score -1, Flamebait) 163

Interesting. Illinois police certainly do have a repuation. I'm not actually from the U.S.A. but nevertheless Amnesty International sends me emails about petitions such as this one about the Chicago police .

Sorry if that looks like a shameless plug for Amnesty International (well I guess it is) but WTH, they do good work.

The Almighty Buck

Kim Dotcom Offers $5 Million Bounty To Defeat Extradition 253

heretic108 (454817) writes "Internet mega-entrepreneur, uber-gamer and now NZ political corruption-buster Kim DotCom has posted a bounty of $5 million to anyone who can dig up any dirt which saves him from extradition to the U.S.. This bounty would be payable not only to government employees, but also to anyone who can retrieve documents clearly proving corruption in the whole prosecution process. 'We are asking for information that proves unlawful or corrupt conduct by the US government, the New Zealand government, spy agencies, law enforcement and Hollywood', Dotcom told website"

Submission + - $445 Billion Lost Due To Cybercrime? 1

An anonymous reader writes: Cybercrime has a significant impact on economies worldwide. A new report from the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) concludes that cybercrime costs businesses approximately $445 billion worldwide, with an impact on approximately 150,000 jobs in the EU and 200,000 jobs in the U.S. Studies estimate that the internet economy annually generates between $2 trillion and $3 trillion, a share of the global economy that is expected to grow rapidly. Based on CSIS analysis, cybercrime extracts between 15% and 20% of the value created by the internet.

Submission + - Have today's privacy policies made us a society of liars?

An anonymous reader writes: Companies often cannot or do not perform the necessary technology evaluations prior to implementation to ensure data privacy, while consumers assume businesses are taking the extra step for their safety. These actions are identified and disseminated to customers through documents such as privacy policies. This brings up two questions: First, can these legal forms serve as catchalls? Second, does the public really understand privacy policies?

Comment Re:A pretty low requirement (Score 1) 432

The bar itself is illusory. Intelligence is not a discrete quantized quality, and certainly not binary in nature. It's a continuum. There won't be a point in time where "real" artificial intelligence is created.

One day we will stop arguing whether true artificial intelligence can be created and start arguing about when it happened.

Submission + - Evidence of another world found on Moon 2

mrspoonsi writes: Researchers have found evidence of the world that crashed into the Earth billions of years ago to form the Moon. Analysis of lunar rock brought back by Apollo astronauts shows traces of the "planet" called Theia. The researchers claim that their discovery confirms the theory that the Moon was created by just such a cataclysmic collision. The accepted theory since the 1980s is that the Moon arose as a result of a collision between the Earth and Theia 4.5bn years ago. It is the simplest explanation, and fits in well with computer simulations. The main drawback with the theory is that no one had found any evidence of Theia in lunar rock samples. Earlier analyses had shown Moon rock to have originated entirely from the Earth whereas computer simulations had shown that the Moon ought to have been mostly derived from Theia. Now a more refined analysis of Moon rock has found evidence of material thought to have an alien origin.

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