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Comment Dear Lee.... (Score 1) 789

WAAAAAH!!! WAAAAAHH!!! Puh-lease! You and Adobe can both go and screw yourselves! Flash has sucked HUGE donkey ballz under Linux for as long as I can remember....and it STILL does! And as for the x64 version....I'd take MS Bob over that PoS any day! I for one am glad that someone is taking the bat to Adobe's head. You guys deserve nothing less.

The Military

Indian Military Hopes to Weaponize the Searing "Ghost Pepper" 267

coondoggie writes "The military in India is looking to weaponize the world's hottest chili, the bhut jolokia or 'ghost pepper,' according to a number of news outlets. The Bhut Jolokia chili pepper from Assam, India is no ordinary pepper. In tests first conducted by the New Mexico State University in 2008 and subsequently confirmed by Guinness World records and others, the Bhut Jolokia reached over one million Scoville heat units, while the next hottest, the Red Savina Habenero, clocks in at a mere 577,000. Scoville units are a universally accepted measure of chili hotness."

Comment Question for the non-US based Slashdotters (Score 2, Interesting) 2044

Obviously here in the states, this bill is a huge deal for us especially considering the price tag attached. I noticed several non-US based posters chiming in about how they don't care about this topic, etc. etc. Understandable since this is a widely read site across the globe. But instead of just posting a negative comment about our health care situation, how about helping us understand how health care works in your country. Pros...cons...whatever. Not being fully versed in what other countries offer and certainly not believing what the major news outlets spew, I figured this would be the best place to ask. Thanks.

Comment Waitaminute (Score 1) 383

So this sexting thing is labeled as child porn yet this isn't:

C'mon people! I continue to be amazed at our country's puritanical stance on sex overall. Yes, child porn and abuse is a VERY bad thing and should be punished by the extreme measures of the law (yes Catholic Church...I'm talking to you) but this kind of stupidity is not acceptable. And as a parent of three, you better believe that I will be on them about sending ANY kind of picture least of all a nude one to their friends. Trust me, I'm not the one that's going to be embarrassed in public about it. If they need to learn the hard way, so be it.

Comment ***YAAAAAWWN*** (Score 1) 628

Yet another technology tool calling another technology outfit names. Puh-lease...this shit just gets old. And the more these types of "employees" spew shit, the stupider they appear to me regardless of how many PhD's they have. Make a product that doesn't suck donkey ballz and you'll get my attention (and possibly my business). Otherwise, just STFU already. This world sucks enough as it stands without having to listen to yet another moron "evangelist" throw mud. Grow up already all of you. That includes you too, Apple.

Comment Thanks a lot, President O (Score 1) 703

Well, its obvious that your true colors (the color of $$) have been reveled....just like your predecessor that pushed the DMCA into our lives. All I have to say is FU, Mr. Obama!. And FU Bill Clinton you c0cksuck3r! I am truly ashamed to have voted for either of you. Change is coming's just not what we were lead to believe. Don't worry, change is going to come during the next elections when I help vote your sorry ass out of office.

Comment Isn't it spelled "futbol"? (Score 1) 43

That Magnetic Sports Soccer game looked like fun. I'll have to test it out on my iPhone sometime. These types of applications by the game developers is a good thing for everyone. Just look at the success that Blizzard has enjoyed with WoW on Windows and OS X. It would be foolish for a developer creating a networked game to ignore either platform.

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