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Comment A lot of people would worry: (Score 1) 333

If it works out and is economical compared to the old methods (and that's a heck of a big "if"):

There are a lot of illegal opium poppy growing operations that would have to drop their prices, use other means (killing those running brewing operations) or go out of business.

I can't say I'll shed many tears for some of the leaders of those groups.

Comment Re:Fear of the West? (Score 4, Insightful) 268

Fear of whoever. You don't try to guess the intentions of other countries. They can change. You figure out their capabilities and then have back up plans.

After Stuxnet and some of the other recent attacks around the world, I'd be a bit concerned about using foreign made technology in critical control systems. Who knows what's been inserted in the silicon.

Even without that, if I were the Russians and facing the uncertainty they are, I'd want to maintain the ability to make my own chips if things soured further with the west, (or the Chinese. Just because things are going reasonably well between Moscow and Beijing doesn't mean they always will be).

Comment Re:Been in electronics since I was 12 (Score 1) 553

We've got about the same story. Started working at Paul's TV shop when I was 14 in 1976. Other than playing on my brother's TRS80, my first computers were the IBM mainfame at a community college and the Plato system in the late 70s. (And also did a stint of copier repair. ;)

I've learned at least 4 new careers along the way. The day I stop learning is the day to die.

I've chuckled when youngsters have assured me there was no internet at the time I said I first was on it.

Comment Re:human overpopulation (Score 3, Insightful) 146

"no one will ever talk about is that there are way to many humans on the earth"

You just proved yourself wrong. ;)

Seriously, that gets brought up regularly. The problems start when you start considering "who" we need fewer of. People have a tendency to assume there will be fewer of the "other" people, but we'll keep the population of "good people like me".

You can insert race, creed, political persuasion, amount of privilege as needed to fit the particular speaker.

Comment Re:it's only a Mantis Shrimp in disguise (Score 1) 179

In the cartoon world, they call what I did "4th wall breaking". Referring to the reality behind the facade of the comic (or in this case, the fact that the web site we write on indeed is a business.)

Forgive me, but what I thought of during your reply was that it was a wonderful imitation of the studied serious moralizing of Sam the Eagle from the Muppets. ;)

Comment Re:it's only a bill (Score 3, Insightful) 179

No, it's also a thing for two sides to be outraged about and have a flame war. Thus, it's money in the bank for Dice Holdings.

You really should recognize what's important in this world. Short term bottom line and minimizing any legal liability. Occasional intelligent conversation is just a way to lure in the sucker... I mean users.

Comment Re:Things that make you go hmmm (Score 1) 203

"Judging others is a surprisingly worthless enterprise."

Unless you have a political difference with them or those who agree with them. In that case there's a huge amount of "worth", read that as "money", involved in judging them. Just look at all of the ad supported news and political sites dedicated to backing up the judgment that "the other side is a bunch of pooty-heads".

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