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Comment Re:One side of the story (Score 1) 710

Funny thing is that Jonathon Martin was absolutely vilified for speaking out against him being harassed.

Guess male on male harassment is still okay in many people's eyes.

I have known women "programmers" who couldn't write a hello world program by themselves who cry discrimination when confronted with their incompetence.

Until that sort of thing stops, and vile people like that entitled brat in the Donglegate farce go away, women claiming harassment in IT will always go under a microscope.

Comment Re:Too Little, Too Late & MtGox (Score 1) 254

Rasmus couldn't figure out how to write a parser to detect variables without appending a $ on it. There is no other reason.

At least other languages that have sigils in variable names exist for semantic reasons, not to make your crappy parser happy. For example Ruby, $, @ and @@ all have semantic meaning as do variable that have no sigil.

Comment Re:Wake me they fix namespaces (Score 1) 254

You can't determine equality without checking if they are transitive.

It is fairly basic math, checking if its reflexive, symmetric and transitive all determine equality, all three properties have to be true.

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