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Comment Length (Score 1) 136

I've been told by a pentester that length matters more than anything. He said a password that is at least 14 characters or longer that doesn't contain any words or numbers that have personal meaning are the strongest to use. He also recommended using random dictionary words to make it easier to remember while keeping it strong.

Comment Re:How reactionary can you get? (Score 1) 676

Don't forget that Nixon lived in a time when destroying such evidence would guarantee the public would destroy him. This came from both sides as well not just one. So either way he was screwed and he tried his best to hide what he did, but there was no way he was going to get out of it. Everyone was so infuriated they didn't care who he was. Unfortunately though today people just look the other way when politicians do everything they can to hide or destroy evidence of the truth.

Comment Re:Hillary is much worse than Richard Nixon (Score 1) 676

I know right? It use to be that politicians feared the people because they knew we would pretty much crucify them over something as small as what Nixon did. Now they can get away with anything it seems since most people won't say a thing. Either that or they go into a wild party frenzy and will defend their favorite candidate to the end. Both parties suck and more people need to realize that. Unfortunately though from my experience those who realize this are far to small in numbers to make a difference.

Comment RIP Internet (Score 1) 318

We lose either way in this situation when you think about it. If the FCC regulates the internet it will give the government a way to control it and be abusive. On the other hand if the big ISPs have their way they will continue to abuse customers since they have monopolies in different areas across the country. The only thing that can truly fix this is competition in my opinion. It might be best to let this work itself out in the long run since for example people like Elon Musk want to build a high speed internet service via satellite. He is not the only one since there are other companies working to do the same. Another one is Google if I am thinking right? We already know about their fiber which the big telecoms already hate. Either way I think we run the risk of killing the internet if we try to regulate it to much. I hope I am wrong, and would be very happy to be wrong about this situation.

Comment The Julian... (Score 1) 191

... from Madagascar was pretty hilarious. I don't see why he fell in love with that bear though in the third one, she was pretty nasty. According to him however, "you have a very harry back, I love that in a woman" was all that he needed.

Comment Re:Really, Slashdot? (Score 1) 230

For me it is just a matter of security, Who says I need to steal your phone in order to steal some money from you? In some ways it can be far less secure than a credit card would be (Not saying cards are perfect by any means). If people want to use it though I do not see why not. It is all just a matter of preference really at this point.

Comment hmmm.... (Score 1) 252

I don't trust what they are telling us personally. I really would like to take some of my money and invest, but everything is so seemingly inflated that I am afraid it'll all crash soon. If we do have a crash that would be a good time to invest possibly. Anyone who bothered to invest back in 2008 after the stock market took that massive dive would have a ton of money by now. So I might try something like that who knows.

Comment Re:Seems ripe for abuse (Score 1) 112

Where I live we have three competing ISPs so the service and speeds tend to be very good. I have actually been able to get speeds a little faster than what I pay for from time to time. Unfortunately though most people live in an area with just one so they get screwed left and right by them. I have lived in such an area before and as I am sure you know it can be very frustrating. I do believe in letting a company handle their business the way they want, but these areas that have monopolies need to be dealt with since the ISPs in these areas just cheat people. Competition is always good in my opinion since it brings out the best in a company usually, but as well all know monopolies such as these bring out the worst in them.

Comment Re:Just wait for oil changes to come with DRM so (Score 1) 194

We have had this oil change interval just as long as you all. The issue though is that most people here get it changed earlier since the lube places tell them it needs to be changed every 5,000. I change my own oil since it is cheaper, and I know for sure I am getting good synthetic oil that way.

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