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Comment Re:Thanks, assholes (Score 1) 573

How about a metal/plastic hybrid? Metal chamber, metal barrel, plastic frame and mechanism? Because that has already been made.

Even if we assume that firearms need to be made of metal, 3D-printing of metal is coming down in price. It'll be a while, but it will happen eventually.

As for your statement about enabling the next Continental Army...that's not the point. The point of plastic guns is to enable someone to obtain a higher quality firearm with a reasonable degree of success. (Also to defeat the idea of "gun free zones.")

Comment Re:Cash Doctors (Score 1) 130

If you look around, there are doctors who will let you take home your original patient record. Just because you haven't tried to do this doesn't mean it is impossible.

How can I say this? Because my doctor will do this for any cash-paying patient who asks.

Comment Re:16 people? (Score 1) 252

It may be unscientific to come to that kind of conclusion based on an n=16 study.

However, what this study DOES show is that the existing paradigm of saturated fat == heart disease ought to be questioned and thoroughly re-examined. Frankly, if I had metabolic syndrome, I'd be experimenting on myself the moment I heard about this.

Comment Re:Bill Rejected with Bi-Partisan agreeemnt (Score 4, Interesting) 445

According to Dr. Paul, the bill didn't go far enough (I agree). It also extended the PATRIOT act. Are you really led around that easily, to think that helping to kill this bill somehow makes him an authoritarian stooge?

Failure to pass this bill means we'll get another chance. The pressure is on. Once they pass a bill, nobody is going to want to pass another one for a while, so the first one has to get it right. The ACA is an example of a bill that was slammed through, and got a lot of things wrong. Let's not do the same thing with limiting the NSA.

Also, Rand Paul does not claim to be a libertarian, and if you actually knew anything about libertarians you should have known that libertarians tend to give him a giant stink-eye.

Comment Re:In the uk (Score 1) 461

Well, there are a couple of reasons. For one, it tells criminals where the guns are. But that is pretty lightweight compared to the real problems with publicly listing concealed weapons permit holders. Think about these people;

Undercover officers


Women hiding from stalkers

Prison guards

Cash carriers

The implications of revealing peoples' names and home addresses as weapons holders are actually quite profound, and most people don't really think it through. When it comes to firearms, you really need to think about every step very carefully. Gun rights are very sensitive -- as they should be -- and when you tinker with those rights, you will inevitably meddle with some of the most sensitive and/or fragile parts of our society.

Comment Re:In the uk (Score 1) 461

You have quite a few presumptions in that. First, employers don't necessarily need to know if their dancers are licensed. Perhaps it is simply a small misdemeanor + fine with penalties limited to the dancer. In that case, employers don't need to know anything. I haven't looked it up, but there are plenty of reasons why an employer might not care.

Furthermore, the government need not provide any more information than "yes-licensed" or "not-licensed." There certainly does not need to be a directory of dancers, for sure, nor should there be (hello stalker heaven).

One of the major problems for strippers is stalkers. Men get attached, and sometimes it can be become a real problem. You can say that it goes with the territory, but it isn't a problem if the government isn't keeping a publicly-visible directory of dancers, and I say the problem lies there.

Comment Re:In the uk (Score 4, Insightful) 461

I disagree, emphatically. There are all kinds of government-owned information which should never be publicly visible. Individuals in witness protection programs, tattoo identification experts, certain expert witnesses, concealed weapons permit holders, gun ownership records in general, undercover officer identities, and so on.

Mind you, I consider myself to be an extremist libertarian bordering on anarchist, and I still think there is lots of information which (if it exists in the first place) should never be publicly revealed.

Comment Re:Two things. (Score 1) 330

All of what you said is interesting and concerning, but brains are actually quite plastic. Patterns change. New patterns form. Old patterns fade. The shift from liberal to conservative with age is well-documented. A single encounter with psilocybin can create permanent personality changes.

Do we put them through a chimney, or invite them to have a cup of mushroom tea?

Or just marvel at the biological diversity that characterizes our brains, and treasure every twisted piece of it, because when cataclysms strike, diversity is the only way for a species to survive?

Comment Re:Two things. (Score 2) 330

You are putting too much into the study. This study shows that there IS a biological basis for SOME political beliefs. This flies directly in the face of a great deal of currently-accepted knowledge, and is very important. This study shows that there is room for more research to explore all the questions you describe.

If you come away with more questions than answers, it's probably good research.

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