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Comment Re:not that long ago (Score 1) 779

Irrelevant. Do you know what a guidance councilor is for? Remember, the internet was not always around for instant answers. What are you going to do when told those classes you want are not available to women?

Consider :

Diner "I want some steak"

Waiter "The steak is terrible tonight. How about chicken?"

Diner "OK, give me the chicken."


The guidance councilors might have been right in a way. "Go in that career and they will underpay you, insult you and generally treat you like shit and you'll have to work with assholes all day." Yeah, nice as the career might be, I can see how a different choice might seem more attractive.

Comment Re:not that long ago (Score 1) 779

My point is that there is no intrinsic gender difference with regards to programming ability, but there is a needless social bias. The field was dominated by women, then by men, and the only cause of either dominance was societal convention.

What is your point? The opposite of mine, I suppose, given your tenor.

Comment not that long ago (Score 2) 779

OK, long ago for people, but the majority of programmers used to be women. They started this field : It was considered clerical work at the time. When it was recognized as pretty substantial work, companies turned to universities for recruiting and male graduates were far more prevalent at the time and the graduates quickly dominated the field.

My wife was told by her guidance councilor that she shouldn't be a programmer because she'd just be typing stuff in and working with dusty old tape. My mom was steered away from engineering, so she got an RN instead. The dominance of boys over girls in this field was culturally manufactured. What else would one expect from a culture that teaches girls the importance of being pretty, their parents giving praise when they are pretty, and boys being praised for being strong or smart?

There is nothing intrinsic in boys or girls that makes them good or bad at computer science and programming. People will cling to the myth that they have some rare super ability in their brain to do programming; it gives someone a sense of self worth which is important for people to have. What you need is a reasonable memory and time to practice. Can everyone do it? No, but the bar is not sky high; the majority could pass it.

Comment to stick it to 'em? (Score 1) 448

I wouldn't have cable, but my wife likes watching the shows. My way of getting back at the cable companies and the MPAA in general? I like local entertainment - open mic nights, concerts, jams, plays, reading, writing. I know that's not for everyone but those are the things I prefer. It will take a while to make all of those illegal.

Comment Re:as a literal (Score 1) 560

The loudest people who 'disbelieve' science tend fall on the right side of the political spectrum. That isn't to say everyone who believes in global warming does so because they are thinking about the science, but at least most of those people respect scientists and science. That being said, I meant some snark there, too.

Comment Re:Actually read the bills (Score 3, Interesting) 102

Do you think its writing is better or worse than the typical bill?

Do you think its real purpose id different than its stated intent?

If we really want this bill, and really want it in a good fashion, we should make a wiki collaboration of it. Of course I am saying that, and it takes energy, and I'm heading off to work at the moment.

Comment Re:In other news (Score 1) 453

I think its more likely that the password wasn't dictionaried. It was probably sniffed in a starbucks or something like that. If it was a dictionary attach though, it would be the case where your home builder is also the doorman who saw all the break in attempts and did nothing. It's more the 'single signon with one password' that is on trial, rather than just Microsoft.

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