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Comment Re:maybe (Score 1) 512

It was you that claimed that what Israel is doing does not come close to what the Nazis did. I just pointed out that it comes quite close to the slightly less known masterplan of the Nazis - the one that was the reason for the whole WW2 - desire to take land to expand. It was not some minor feature of their leader or something that is ultimately unimportant - it was a planned ethnic cleansing of whole nations on a scale that would have made the Holocaust just a footnote.
And it is remarkably similar to what Israel is doing now. Removing the current occupant from a land they took in war. And that is something that I consider an unmitigated evil.

Comment Re:maybe (Score 1) 512

And if they attack from the nearly empty land where the settlements are the Israeli army can kill them without killing hundreds of civilians at the same time.

If the government refuses to prevent further attacks, then I can't see anyone objecting to an invasion. Just make sure that your first response to an attack isn't to bomb the government, so it has no way to even attempt to control the militants.

And regarding the justification of invading, just look at Afghanistan. They got invaded for perhaps harboring the guy that led the group that planned 9/11.

Comment Re:maybe (Score 1) 512

Well the first thing could be to stop treating Palestinians like they weren't even human. Acknowledge that they are there and that there is a state of Palestine. Stop building settlements that mean that the Palestinians keep loosing more and more land the longer the 'peace process' goes on. Stop the blocade of Gaza.

And after that treat them like a state - if they attack you attack them right, occupy and annex the area they launched the rockets from etc. - they would be fully justified in doing that when in a state of war. But what we have now is just a state of oppression where the Palestinians in Gaza don't really have anything left to loose. So give them something to loose and take it away later if they keep acting like bloodthirsty idiots.

Comment Re:maybe (Score 1) 512

You're right in almost every thing you said. Except that there is no comparison.
Just about every colonization in history included the extermination (or forced assimilation') of the people living in the area. The only difference is that this colonization is happening in a time when this behavior should no longer be acceptable.
The same was true for the crimes of the Nazis - many nations had done the similar things they tried to do (Romans - Carthaginians, Europeans - Native Americans, Hutu - Tutsi). All those things were horrible crimes and should be acknowledged as such.
But the same is true for the Israeli treatment of the Palestinians - it's a horrible crime, and it's happening in a time when crimes like that should no longer be ignored.

(Also: Why do you single out the Arabs for fabricating myths? Every religion does that.)

Comment Re:maybe (Score 1) 512

And that matters to the people living there how exactly? Sure they might know that Israel is just fighting for it's 'survival', but they still get bombed and blocaded. So they get angry and lash out at the people bombing and blocading them - and the easiest way to do that is to join Hamas or some other similar group.
Do you see any alternative for individuals?

Israel likes to inflict collective punishment for actions of individuals on the whole region, then act like it's some big act of terrorism when the other side tries to do the same with vastly inferior resources.

Comment Re:maybe (Score 1) 512

But it's also important to offer the population an alternative. And the Palestinians don't really have one - even when Hamas has been quiet, Israel hasn't demolished any of it's settlements or let them have their own country. Hell, even trying to get recognition in the UN leads 'sanctions'. And this has been going on for half a century.
So the people basically have the alternatives of:
a) Be slowly strangled economically and have your land occupied.
b) Be slowly strangled economically and have your land occupied while you at least get to try and kill some of the people doing it.

Now both alternatives suck, but many people will pick the second one just to try and get even.
And I don't see them changing their behavior until they are given a third option.

Comment Re:maybe (Score 3, Interesting) 512

The problem right now is that the West Bank and Gaza are in a kind of limbo. They aren't part of Israel (so the inhabitants don't get any rights as citizens) and they aren't allowed to become a separate state (if they try they get bombed and 'settled' some more). So Israel should decide what it wants to do, not just keep killing civilians whenever some religious idiots decide to fire of more rockets.
If it wants the land ,it should give the inhabitants citizenships and enforce it's laws - not by bombing innocents but by actually occupying and policing everything.
If it does not want to do that it should get out of the area completely. Not just say that they left and leave the hundreds of miles of fences and checkpoints everywhere so the people can't even go to work without being harrased.

Comment Re:Not fungible (Score 1) 529

I'd make it so that they have to pay the H1B worker at least as much as the highest salary in the company (and any parent companies). After all, if there are no workers with that level of skill available the skill should be extremely valuable as a result (supply/demand). And since they did manage to find a CEO, the new worker should get more then the CEO.

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